Psions (Freedom City)

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The Psions are a group of supervillain characters from the Freedom City campaign setting of the role-playing game Mutants and Masterminds. Like most Freedom City characters, they have deliberate similarities to established comic book characters, being similar to the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants from Marvel Comics' X-Men. To take this further, Professor Psion seems to be based heavily on Sir Ian McKellan's portrayal of Eric Lehnsherr from the opening scenes of the first X-Men movie.

Professor Artur Zion was a scholar of paranormal abilities, who moved to America to escape Nazi Germany. He changed his name to "Parker Psion", and theorized that humanity would be replaced with a more "highly evolved" species with psionic abilities. His experiments awakened his own latent telepathic power, and he has raised his carefully bred grandchildren to believe in their own superiority to the "obsolete" human race.

  • Professor Psion - Minor telepath and genius. He feels his grandchildren are the first of humanity's successors. He is frustrated that the Atom Family, fellow superhumans, oppose him and defend the "rabble".
  • Empath - able to sense and manipulate emotions and heal physical injuries. She truly believes in Psion's philosophy, but has a crush on Max Atom.
  • Ember - A tempestuous and passionate Pyrokinetic who revels in her power's destructive nature. Her teammates must constantly reign in this loose cannon.
  • Jump - Teleporter. Provides the Psions' transportation and escapes. He is the least sympathetic to his grandfather's cause, but still loyal to the family.
  • Aura - Powerful telepath, twin sister of Argent. The shy one of the two. Doesn't like violence, but obeys her family.
  • Argent - Telekinetic, twin sister of Aura. Outgoing tomboy, loves the strength her powers give her.