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In experimental particle physics, Pseudorapidity, η, is a commonly used spatial coordinate describing the angle of a particle relative to the beam axis. It is defined as

\eta = -\ln\left(\tan\left(\frac{\theta}{2}\right)\right),
where \theta \, is the angle relative to the beam axis.

It is numerically close to the Rapidity, y, defined in Special Relativity as

y = \frac{1}{2} \ln \left(\frac{E+p_L}{E-p_L}\right)

when the particle is relativistic. Here, pL is the component of the momentum along the beam direction. However, pseudorapidity η does not depend on the energy of the particle, only on the polar angle of its trajectory.

The rapidity (or pseudorapidity) is preferred in hadron colliders over the polar angle θ because, loosely speaking, particle production is constant as a function of rapidity. Furthermore, the difference in the rapidity of two particles is independent of Lorentz boosts along the beam axis.

Here are some representative values:

'\theta \,' degrees '\eta \,'
0 infinite
5 3.13
10 2.44
20 1.74
30 1.31
45 0.88
60 0.55
80 0.175
90 0

There is a symmetry about θ = 90 degrees. In other words, η at 180 − θ = − η at θ.


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