Pseudometric space

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In mathematics, a pseudometric space is a generalization of a metric space, where the requirement of indistinguishability is removed. A pseudometric space is a special case of a hemimetric space, on which the requirement of symmetry is imposed. When a topology is generated using a family of pseudometrics, the space is called a gauge space.


[edit] Definition

A pseudometric space (X,d) is a set X together with a non-negative real-valued function d: X \times X \longrightarrow \mathbb{R} (called a pseudometric) such that, for every x,y,z \in X,

  1. \,\!d(x,x) = 0.
  2. \,\!d(x,y) = d(y,x) (symmetry)
  3. \,\!d(x,z) \leq d(x,y) + d(y,z) (subadditivity/triangle inequality)

Unlike a metric space, points in a pseudometric space need not be distinguishable; that is, one may have d(x,y) = 0 for distinct values x\ne y.

[edit] Examples

Psuedometrics arise naturally in functional analysis. Consider the space \mathcal{F}(X) of real-valued functions f:X\to\mathbb{R} together with a special point x_0\in X. This point then induces a pseudometric on the space of functions, given by

\,\!d(f,g) = |f(x_0)-g(x_0)|\;

for f,g\in \mathcal{F}(X)

For vector spaces V, a seminorm p induces a pseudometric on V, as


Conversely, a homogeneous, translation invariant pseudometric induces a seminorm.

[edit] Topology

The pseudometric topology is the topology induced by the open balls

B_r(p)=\{ x\in X\mid d(p,x)<r \},

which form a basis for the topology[1]. A topological space is said to be a pseudometrizable topological space if the space can be given a pseudometric such that the pseudometric topology coincides with the given topology on the space.

[edit] Metric identification

The vanishing of the pseudometric induces an equivalence relation, called the metric identification, that converts the pseudometric space into a full-fledged metric space. This is done by defining x\sim y if d(x,y) = 0. Let X * = X / ˜ and let

d * ([x],[y]) = d(x,y)

Then d * is a metric on X * and (X * ,d * ) is a well-defined metric space.

The metric identification preserves the induced topologies. That is, a subset A\subset X is open (or closed) in (X,d) if and only if π(A) = [A] is open (or closed) in (X * ,d * ).

[edit] References

  1. ^ Pseudometric topology on PlanetMath