User:Promus Kaa

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Promus Kaa
Name: Peter
Gender: Male
Birth date: July 29, 1988
Birthplace: Reading, Pennsylvania
Location: Reading, Pennsylvania
Marital status: Single
Religion: (Serious) Roman Catholic
Politics: Conservative
Contact info
<-- Just look left!

Please feel free to discuss anything with me! Especially if you are interested in anything that I'm interested in. Also feel free to comment on my Talk Page or ask for my MSN Messenger address.

Things that I'm a huge fan of (in no order):


Television Shows


  • Superheroes (My favorite ones are the superheroes who act, and get this, HEROICALLY!! Wow, what a positively RADICAL idea!! Superheroes being heroic...amazing!!)

And last, but CERTAINLY not least, I LOVE TRAINS!!! Especially steam locomotives, and British locomotives are the best. Their locomotives are works of art, living creatures, and British railroading actually regards them as such. American railroading is morbid, and American steam is generally very ugly. Also, maglevs are an abomination and are not trains. They are nothing more than land-bound aeroplanes. :P


Image:Wagon pancerny s.jpg

Image:60828 leaves Annesley Yard 8th May 1964-1.jpg

See how beautiful that British loco is? Smooth surface, sleek shape, and clean lines. Now take a look at this American one:


Ugly. Ew. British steam RULES.