Provincial Emergency Program
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Provincial Emergency Program(PEP) is a emergency preparedness program in the Province of British Columbia under the Emergency Program Act.
Contents |
[edit] Authority
At the Federal Level:
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (PSEPC) devlopes programs and policies to prepare for national disasters.
At the Provincial Level
The Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General is responsible for the program:
- Managing a provincial emergency response
- Assisting local authorities with planning for an emergency
- Supporting volunteers through a PEP Task number
- Ensure volunteers eligible for WCB Compensation
- Liability Insurance (ie. Civil Liability Exemption)
[edit] Components
- PEP Air
- Search and Rescue
- Emergency Social Services
- Emergency Radio Communications
- Road Rescue
[edit] Regions
- Vancouver Island
- South West
- Central
- South East
- North East
- North West
[edit] Volunteers' Powers and Privileges
- Volunteers are allowed to use the Disaster Response Route when on duty
- Under Section 27(1b) of the Emergency Program Act, a person commits an offence who interferes with or obstructs any person in the exercise of any power or the performance of any duty conferred or imposed by this Act or the regulations is liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than one year or to a fine of not more than $10 000 or to both imprisonment and fine.
- Civil Liability Exemption under Section 18 of the Emergency Program Act
- Workers' Compensation Board coverage
- The government maintains a comprehensive general liability insurance policy with a limit of $2 million covering all provincial volunteers
- Good Samaritan Act applies to all volunteers(unless grossly negligent)
- Training from the Provincial, Regional & Municipal Governments
- Special awards night every year
[edit] Note
Only persons over the age of 16 may sign up to become a volunteer. Persons aged 16-18 must have parental consent. There're no maximum age limit.