Protocol droid

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C-3PO, a protocol droid that appeared in all six episodes of the Star Wars movies
C-3PO, a protocol droid that appeared in all six episodes of the Star Wars movies

A protocol droid is a type of robot in the Star Wars fictional universe. A protocol droid assists its owner in communicating, mainly with the translation of languages in the Star Wars universe and in correctly observing the norms and etiquette of unfamiliar cultures and civilizations. The most notable protocol droid in the Star Wars series is C-3PO, built by Anakin Skywalker, who brags about being "familiar with over six million forms of communication." Protocol droids can alternatively be used primarily as a mobile data processing system. Because they are frequently called upon to accurately replicate various rituals and forms of polite address, they usually have a humanoid body shape that allows them to supplement their speech with appropriate gestures and posture, as opposed to the more utilitarian, non-anthropomorphic design of other droids.

Probably because a protocol droid is a familiar sight in the circles of the wealthy, diplomatically or governmentally important and other common targets for their services, some assassin droids, like HK-47, masquerade as protocol droids to avoid attention and get close to their targets.

[edit] Notable protocol droids

[edit] External link

Droids of Star Wars
Astromech droid | Battle droid | Buzz droid | Tri-Fighter | Pit droid | Probe droid | Protocol droid
8t88 | Bollux | C-3PO | EV-9D9 | G0-T0 | HK-47 | HK-50 | MagnaGuards | IG-88 | R2-D2 | T3-M4 | YVH 1
List of minor Star Wars droids
In other languages