Promethium (comics)

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Promethium is the name used for two different fictional substances; one from the DC comics universe and one from the Marvel Comics universe. These should not be confused with promethium, which is an actual chemical element.


[edit] DC Comics

[edit] Depleted promethium

In DC comics, promethium was invented and patented by Steve Dayton of Dayton Industries. When alloyed with titanium and vanadium, it forms a near-invulnerable metal. The bionic & cybernetic components of Vic Stone (better known as Cyborg) are made out of depleted promethium, and Arsenal of the Justice League wears a bodysuit that combines both depleted promethium and Kevlar; Deathstroke the Terminator's mesh armour, sword and staff are made (either wholly or in part) of depleted promethium.

[edit] Volatile promethium

Promethium is also capable of generating near-limitless amounts of energy, and so can be used as a power source for many gadgets. Volatile promethium is also a dangerous mutagen that can be used to mutate living beings or trigger their metagene; Dayton used it when creating the super-powered criminals known as the Hybrid.

[edit] Marvel Comics

In Marvel Comics, promethium is a magical metal found only in Belasco's dimension known as Otherplace. In Otherplace, it takes the form of a giant animal heart, hidden in a cavern deep below its surface. Removal of the promethium to another dimension will cause Limbo to vanish. The heart of Limbo was once sought by the supervillain Doctor Doom as an inexhaustible energy source for his nation of Latveria, it is currently in the possession of Darkoth.

[edit] Other Media

In the Spider-Man animated series, promethium X is an previously unknown element found on the Moon in conjunction with the Venom Symbiote by astronaut John Jameson. It is a black rock slightly larger than a fist, that looks similar to coal.

Alistair Smythe (then still a regular human in a hoverchair) discovered its first unusual property: normally inert, Promethium X when exposed to high temperatures, will react with an atomic explosion, making it a perfect untraceable terrorist weapon.

The second unusual property, however, was discovered by Spider-Man. Promethium X gradually transmutes itself into lead. The series never specifies what it was reacting to, but since it remained on the Moon as promethium X, it can be assumed the catalyst is something it encountered on Earth, such as oxygen, nitrogen, sound, or ambient warmth.

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