Prometheus class starship (Star Trek)

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For the one-ship Stargate class of the same name, see Prometheus (Stargate).
The USS Prometheus, a Prometheus class starship, during Multi-Vector Assault Mode
The USS Prometheus, a Prometheus class starship, during Multi-Vector Assault Mode

In the Star Trek fictional universe, the Prometheus class starship is an experimental make of attack vessel used by Starfleet.

Thus far, the only known ship of this type is the USS Prometheus (NX-74913), which appeared in an episode of Star Trek: Voyager entitled "Message in a Bottle". Another of this class was seen in Voyager's finale, "Endgame", but the ships' name has not been determined.

In standard configuration, a ship of this class is composed of an arrowhead-shaped primary hull attached directly to a short, small secondary hull supporting four warp nacelles on short pylons in an 'X' configuration. In battle, this ship may divide into three ships — the saucer, the upper engineering hull, and the lower engineering hull — to allow for multiple independently moving weapons platforms, an expansion on the Galaxy class' concept of saucer separation. The saucer has two small warp nacelles that are stored in recesses while joined and extend once the saucer has separated.

This class also has enhanced defences including ablative armor and regenerative deflector shields.

The class makes much greater use of holographic systems than earlier vessels. The entire ship is fitted with holographic projectors, allowing the ship's Emergency Medical Hologram to move outside sickbay, enabling him to treat injuries sustained during battle as quickly as possible.

The Prometheus class is a test bed of technologies being researched by Starfleet. Because of this, it has some features and capabilities which have proven useful, such as Multi Vector Assault Mode (MVAM) in which the ship is able to split into three autonomous smaller ships, each of which can independently target and destroy attacking enemies.

In reality, the Prometheus class was designed by Star Trek: Voyager senior illustrator Rick Sternbach and rendered as a computer generated image by Foundation Imaging. The interiors were designed by series production designer Richard James, using redressed portions of the re-created USS Excelsior (NCC-2000) bridge that James made for "Flashback" as well as the Voyager sickbay, in addition to new sets.

Note that two registries have been seen for the Prometheus: NX-59650 and NX-74913. The NX-59650 registry can be clearly seen on the hull and the NX-74913 comes from the dedication plaque and master situation display. Most agree that the higher number 74913 is more likely as the Prometheus is a very new starship. 59650 is possibly a mistake made by the CGI modelers. 74913 was used for the purposes of this article.

[edit] Known Prometheus class vessels

  • USS Prometheus (NX-74913)
    • Named for the titan in Greek mythology who gave fire to humanity (see: Prometheus), the Prometheus was launched from the Antares Fleet Yards in 2374 on stardate 50749.5. The ship was classified, made in total secret, with only four people in all of Starfleet trained in the operation of her bridge. While on one of its first test flights the Prometheus was hijacked by Romulans who killed her crew. While escaping Federation space the Prometheus was intercepted by a group comprising a Nebula class, an Akira class, and two Defiant class vessels. Control of the ship was regained by its EMH and the EMH from the USS Voyager (NCC-74656).
  • In the last episode of Voyager, an unknown Prometheus class vessel is seen approaching the transwarp conduit endpoint.
Star Trek starship classes
Starfleet: Starfleet starships
Akira | Ambassador | Constellation | Constitution | Danube | Defiant | Excelsior | Galaxy | Hope/Olympic | Intrepid | Miranda | Nebula
New Orleans | Nova | NX† | Oberth | Prometheus | Saber | Sovereign | Steamrunner | Wells | Other Starfleet ships
Andorian Imperial Guard: Kumari | Borg Collective: Borg starships | Cardassian Union: Cardassian starships | Ferengi Alliance: D'Kora
Jem'Hadar: Jem'Hadar starships | Kazon Sects: Kazon ship classes | Klingon Empire: Klingon starships
Romulan Empire: Romulan starships | Suliban Cabal: Suliban cell ship | Vulcan: Vulcan starships | Xindi: Xindi starships

† – Pre-Federation
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