Project Nike

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Launch of a Nike Zeus missile
Launch of a Nike Zeus missile

Project Nike was a US Army project, proposed in May 1945 by Bell Labs, to develop a line-of-sight anti-aircraft missile system. The project delivered the America's first operational anti-aircraft missile system in 1953, the Nike Ajax. A huge number of the technologies and rocket systems used to develop the Nike Ajax were re-used in a number of roles, many of which gained the "Nike" name (after Nike, the goddess of victory from Greek mythology). The missile's first-stage solid rocket booster became the basis for everything from the Nike Hercules missile to NASA's Nike Smoke rocket, used for upper-atmosphere research.


[edit] History

Project Nike began in 1944 when the US military demanded a new defense system to combat the potential new jet aircraft, as existing gun-based systems proved completely incapable of dealing with the speeds and altitudes at which such planes operated. Two proposals were accepted. Bell Labs offered Project Nike. A much longer-ranged collision-course system was developed by General Electric as Project Thumper, eventually delivering the BOMARC missile.

Bell's proposal would have to deal with bombers flying at 500 mph (800 km/h) or more at altitudes of up to 60,000 ft (20,000 m). At these speeds, even a supersonic rocket is no longer fast enough to be simply aimed at the target. The missile must "lead" the target to ensure it hits it before it runs out of fuel. This means that the missile and target cannot be tracked in a single radar, increasing the complexity of the system. One part was well developed. By this point, the US had considerable experience with lead-calculating analog computers, starting with the British Kerrison Predictor and a series of increasingly capable U.S. designs.

For Nike, three radars were used. The acquisition radar searched for a target to be handed over to the Target Tracking Radar (TTR) for tracking. The Missile Tracking Radar (MTR) tracked the missile by way of a transponder, as the missiles radar signature alone was not sufficient. The MTR also commanded the missile by way of Pulse-position modulation, the pulses were received, decoded and then amplified back for the MTR to track. Once the tracking radars were locked the system was able to work automatically following launch, barring any unexpected occurrences. The computer compared the two radars directions, along with information on the speeds and distances, to calculate the intercept point and steer the missile. The entirety of this system was provided by the Bell System's electronics firm, Western Electric.

The Douglas-built missile was a two stage missile using a solid fuel booster stage and a liquid fuelled (IRFNA/UDMH) second stage. The missile could reach a maximum speed of 1,000 mph (1,600 km/h), an altitude of 70,000 ft (21 km) and had a range of 25 miles (40 km). The missile contained an unusual three part payload, with explosive fragmentation charges at three points down the length of the missile to help ensure a fatal hit. The missile's limited range was seen by critics as a serious flaw, because it often meant that the missile had to be sited very close to the area it was protecting.

After bickering between the Army and the Air Force (see the Key West Agreement), all longer-range systems were turned over to the Air Force in 1948. They merged their own long-range research with Project Thumper, while the Army continued to develop Nike. In 1950 the Army formed the Army Anti-Aircraft Command (ARAACOM) to operate batteries of anti-aircraft guns and missiles. ARAACOM was renamed the US Army Air Defense Command (USARADCOM) in 1957. It adopted a simpler acronym, ARADCOM, in 1961.

[edit] Nike Ajax

A Nike Ajax missile.
A Nike Ajax missile.

The first successful Nike test was in November 1951, intercepting a drone B-17. The first type, Nike Ajax (MIM-3), were deployed starting in 1953. The Army initially ordered 1,000 missiles and 60 sets of equipment. They were placed to protect strategic and tactical sites within the US. As a last-line of defense from air attack, they were positioned to protect cities as well as military installations. The missile was first deployed at Fort Meade, Maryland in December, 1953. A further 240 launch sites were built up to 1962. They replaced 896 radar-guided anti-aircraft guns, operated by the National Guard or Army to protect certain key sites. This left a handful of 75 mm Skysweeper emplacements as the only anti-aircraft artillery remaining in use by the US. By 1957 the Regular Army AAA units had been replaced by missile battalions. In 1958 the Army National Guard began to replace their guns and adopt the Ajax system.

Each launch site had three parts, separated by at least 1,000 yards (914 m). One part (designated C) of about six acres (24,000 m²) contained the IFC (Integrated Fire Control) radar systems to detect incoming targets (acquisition and target tracking) and direct the missiles (missile tracking), along with the computer systems to plot and direct the intercept. The second part (designated L), around forty acres (160,000 m²), held 1-3 underground missile magazines each serving a group of four launch assemblies and included a safety zone. The site had a crew of 109 officers and men who ran the site continuously. One launcher would be on 15 minutes alert, two on 30 minutes and one on two hour alert. The third part was the administrative area (designated A), which was usually co-located with the IFC and contained the battery headquarters, barracks, mess, recreation hall, and motor pool. The actual configuration of the Nike sites differed depending on geography. Whenever possible the sites were placed on existing military bases or National Guard armories, otherwise land had to be purchased.

The Nike batteries were organized in Defense Areas and placed around population centers and strategic locations such as long-range bomber bases, nuclear plants, and (later) ICBM sites. The Nike sites in a Defense Area formed a ring around these cities and bases. There was no fixed number of Nike batteries in a Defense Area and the actual number of batteries varied from a low of two in the Barksdale AFB Defense Area to a high of 22 in the Chicago Defense Area. In the Continental United States the sites were numbered from 01 to 99 starting at the north and increasing clockwise. The numbers had no relation to actual compass headings, but generally Nike sites numbered 01 to 25 were to the northeast and east, those numbered 26 to 50 were to the southeast and south, those numbered 51 to 75 were to the southwest and west, and those numbered 76 to 99 were to the northwest and north. The Defense Areas in the Continental United States were identified by a one- or two-letter code which were related to the city name. Thus those Nike sites starting with C were in the Chicago Defense Area, those starting with HM were in the Homestead AFB/Miami Defense Area, those starting with NY were in the New York Defense Area, and so forth. As an example Nike Site SF-88L refers to the launcher area (L) of the battery located in the northwestern part (88) of the San Francisco Defense Area (SF).

In the early-to-mid 1960s the Nike Ajax batteries were upgraded to the Hercules system. The new missiles had greater range and destructive power, so about half as many batteries provided the same defensive capability. Regular Army batteries were either upgraded to the Hercules system or decommissioned. Army National Guard units continued to use the Ajax system through 1964, when they too upgraded to Hercules. Eventually, the Regular Army units were replaced by the National Guard as a cost saving measure, since the Guard units could return to their homes when off duty.

[edit] Nike Hercules

A Nike Hercules missile.
A Nike Hercules missile.
Main article: Nike-Hercules Missile

Even as Nike Ajax was being tested, work started on Nike-B, later renamed Nike Hercules (MIM-14). It improved speed, range and accuracy, and could intercept ballistic missiles. The Hercules had a range of about 100 miles (160 km), a top speed in excess of 3,000 mph (4,800 km/h) and a maximum altitude of around 100,000 ft (30 km). It had solid fuel boost and sustainer rocket motors. The boost phase was four of the Nike Ajax boosters strapped together. In the electronics, some vacuum tubes were replaced with more reliable solid-state components.

The missile also had an optional nuclear warhead to improve the probability of a kill. The W-31 warhead had a variable yield system offering 2, 20 or 40 kiloton detonations. However, the missile typically carried a non-nuclear explosive fragmentation warhead, the T-45. The fire control of the Nike system was also improved with the Hercules and included a surface-to-surface mode.

The Nike Hercules was deployed starting in June 1958. First deployed to Chicago, 393 Hercules ground systems were manufactured. By 1960 ARADCOM had 88 Hercules batteries and 174 Ajax batteries, defending 23 zones across 30 states. Peak deployment was in 1963 with 134 Hercules batteries.

The development of ICBMs decreased the value of the Nike air defense system. Beginning around 1965, the number of Nike batteries were reduced. Thule air defense was cut in 1965 and SAC base defense in 1966, reducing the number of batteries to 112. Budgetary cuts reduced that number to 87 in 1968, and 82 in 1969.

Nike Hercules was included in SALT I discussions as an ABM. Following the treaty signed in 1972, and further budget cuts, almost all Nike sites in the continental United States were deactivated by April, 1974. Some units remained active until the later part of that decade in a coast air defense role.

[edit] Nike Zeus

Development continued, producing Improved Nike Hercules and then Nike Zeus A and B. Zeus, with a new 400,000 lbf (1.78 MN) thrust solid-fuel booster, was first test fired in August 1959 and demonstrated a top speed of 8,000 mph (12,875 km/h) but had certain deficiencies and was renamed Spartan in 1967. Production of the Zeus was deferred in 1961 and phased out in 1963 in favor of a specific ABM system initially designated Nike X but later renamed Sentinel.

Some small-scale work to use Nike Zeus as an anti-satellite weapon (ASAT) was carried out from 1962 until the project was cancelled in favor of Thor based systems in 1966. In the end, neither development would enter service. However, the Nike Zeus system did demonstrate a hit-to-kill capability against ballistic missiles in the early 1960s. See National Missile Defense and anti-ballistic missile systems.

[edit] Specifications

Missile Nike Ajax Nike Hercules Nike Zeus A Nike Zeus B (XLIM-49A) Spartan (LIM-49A)
Length 10.36 m overall
6.41 m second stage
12.53 m overall
8.18 m second stage
13.5 m 14.7 m 16.8 m
Diameter 0.30 m 0.80 m booster
0.53 m second stage
0.91 m 0.91 m 1.09 m
Fin span 1.22 m 3.50 m booster
1.88 m second stage
2.98 m 2.44 m 2.98 m
Mass 1,116 kg at launch
523 kg second stage
4850 kg at launch
2505 kg second stage
4980 kg 10300 kg 13100 kg
Maximum speed Mach 2.25 (ca. 3,000 km/h) Mach 3.65 (ca. 4 4700 km/h) Mach 4 > (ca. 4 900 km/h)
Range 40 km 140 km 320 km 400 km 740 km
Ceiling 21,300 m 45,700 m  ? 280 km 560 km
First stage Solid-fuel
(263 kN static thrust for 2.5 seconds)
Hercules M42 solid-fueled rocket cluster
(4x M5E1 Nike boosters)
978 kN (220,000 lbf) total
Thiokol TX-135
1,800 kN (400,000 lbf)
Thiokol TX-135
2000 kN (450,000 lbf)
Thiokol TX-500
2200 kN (500,000 lbf)
Second stage Liquid-fuel
(11.6 kN static thrust for 21 seconds)
Thiokol M30 solid-fueled rocket
44.4 kN (10,000 lbf)
 ? Thiokol TX-238 Thiokol TX-454
Third stage None None None Thiokol TX-239 Thiokol TX-239
Warhead conventional 3 warheads each surrounded with
2 layers of 1/4 in (6 mm) hardened steel cubes
Nose: M2: 4.5 lb (2.0 kg) Composition B 12 lb (5.4 kg) total
Mid-body: M3: 92 lb (42 kg) Comp. B, 176.8 lb (80.2 kg) total
Aft: M4: 59 lb (27 kg) Comp B, 121.3 lb (55.0 kg) total
T-45 HE warhead weighed
1106 lb (500 kg) and contained 600 lb (272 kg) of HBX-6
M17 blast-fragmentation
Nuclear warhead only Nuclear warhead only Nuclear warhead only
Warhead nuclear Conventional warhead only W-31 nuclear
2 kt (M-97)
20 kt (M-22)
40 kt (M-23)
W-31 nuclear W-50 (400 kt)
W-71 (5 Mt)

[edit] Project Legacy

Leftover traces of the approximately 300 Nike missile bases can still be seen around cities across the country. As the sites were decommissioned they were first offered to Federal agencies. Many were already located on Army National Guard bases who continued to use the property. Others were offered to state and local governments while others were sold to school districts. The left-overs were offered to private individuals. Thus, many Nike sites are now municipal yards, communications and FAA facilities (the IFC areas), probation camps, and other uses. Several were completely obliterated and turned into parks. Some are now private residences. Only a few retain any integrity and preserve the history of the Nike project. There are also a few sites abroad, notably in Turkey and Greece.

  • Nike Site DF-01, located off North Locust Street just north of Denton, Texas was converted for use as an astronomical observatory of the University of North Texas after decommissioning. Aside from its use as a laboratory for the school's astronomy program, the site has been used for storage, research and experimentation. A broadcasting tower is also located on site. The site's housing and administrative complex has been sold to a private owner and is currently being used as a residence.
  • The IFC area of Nike Site KC-60 in Gardner, Kansas is now the Nike Intermediate School in the Gardner-Edgerton Unified School District 231.
  • In Los Angeles, California, the stripped IFC area of Nike Site LA-96, on top of a mountain in the middle of the city, San Vicente Peak, has been turned into a Cold War memorial park. The LA-96 launcher area in Van Nuys has been stripped of its hydraulics, electrical equipment, etc. which were to be transported to Nike Site LA-43 at Whites Point, Fort MacArthur, on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. Unfortunately, the Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks made it impossible to complete this project. The Nike parts are still (as of March 1, 2006) at LA-96 and awaiting possible use elsewhere. Francis Gary Powers, Jr. has expressed interest in using some of the LA-96 parts at Nike Site W-64, in Lorton, Virginia. Foundations and other signs of Nike installations can still be found elsewhere across the area, including the Palos Verdes Peninsula, the Santa Monica Mountains, and the San Gabriel Mountains.
  • Nike Site M-47 in Waukesha, Wisconsin resided on hill nicknamed by local children has "Nike Hill". The command center is a common spot for Urban exploration. Some have suggested that it be made into a cold war museum. [1] In March of 2006, the City of Waukesha took ownership of the property, retaking it from the federal government. [2].
  • The IFC area of Nike Site MS-20, located on 112th Street in Warren, Wisconsin, St. Croix County, is being used as a storage facility; the launcher area is privately owned. Most of the buildings have been destroyed.
  • Nike Site NY-80R in Randolph, NJ was left vacant for many years and the building kept intact. Sometime in the mid to late 90's the phonebooths outside were removed and some activity was resumed at the base for a few months. Picking up in late 2006, the base is currently experiencing some remodeling. The sidewalk is being redone as well as the stairs leading up to the building.
  • Nike Site PH-32 in Marlton, New Jersey. It was shut down after the deactivation of Ajax-only sites. A housing development was built on top of the control area in the early 1990s. The launch area remains vacant.
  • Nike Site PH-41/43 in Sicklerville, Gloucester Township, New Jersey. It was a double site, operating both Ajax and Hercules missles from 1956 to 1974. The site has been turned over to Gloucester Township for commercial development.
  • Nike Site PI-71's launch site was located at Moon Township, Pennsylvania, outside Pittsburgh. The launch site is now a nature preserve and is off limit to motorized vehicles. Only the blacktop / concrete pads still exist.
  • Nike Site SF-88L, in Fort Barry (part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area) across the Golden Gate from San Francisco, has been preserved as a Nike museum, complete with missiles (inert). This site was given intact to the National Park Service in 1974 after it was decommissioned for use as a legacy of the Nike program. It is open to the public on designated days; usually Wednesday to Friday, 12:30 to 3:30 pm. The SF-88L site has been restored by volunteers and National Park Service employees to the condition it was in the 1960s, complete with signage and various pieces of equipment such as the radars and control vans that would have been stationed on hills overlooking the site. One of the two missile magazines has been restored and has a working elevator and launch rail for the inert missiles. Site SF-88 is listed in the National Register of Historic Places as part of the Fort Barry Historic District.
  • Nike Site SF-91 on Angel Island in San Francisco Bay has been permanently removed from this State Park. The former site has been restored to its' natural condition, and is now enjoyed as one of the best views of the region by hikers and picnicers. This is an early Ajax-only site that was never converted to Hercules. The mountain between the launcher and the IFC was "notched" in three places to allow the Missile Tracking Radar to acquire the missile while sitting on the launcher.
  • Nike Site W-64 in Lorton, Virginia. This site was co-located with the now closed Lorton Reformatory. The launcher facility, located at the intersection of Hooes Road and VA 611, is in the process of being developed into the Cold War Museum with the assistance of Francis Gary Powers, Jr., the son of Francis Gary Powers, the U-2 pilot shot down over the Soviet Union in 1960. The former control facility is located on the west side of Silverbrook Road just south of Hooes Road and became part of the prison maintenance facility.
  • Nike Site W-83 in Great Falls, Virginia was later used by the Defense Mapping Agency and is now part of the Fairfax County Turner Farm park. The park has been identified as having the darkest skies within 30 miles of Washington, D.C. It is used by the amateur-astronomy Analemma Society for night viewing, and has recreational facilities for daytime use. There are proposals to create an "Observatory Park" for public observation and education using county grants.
  • Nike Site F-07C near Spokane, Washington was acquired by the United States Air Force in 1963 to be used as one of the command readout stations for the DMSP mission. It was operated by Detatchment 1, 4000 Aerospace Applications Group, which was later designated as Detatchment 1, 1000th Satellite Operations Group, and later the 5th Satellite Control Squadron part of the 50th Space Wing. It was later converted to the Fairchild Satellite Operations Center to support MILSTAR/GPS and other programs under Air Force Space Command.[1]
  • Nike Site L-85C near Connor, Maine was acquired by the United States Air Force in 1963 to be used as the second command readout station for the DMSP mission. It was operated by Detatchment 2, 4000 Aerospace Applications Group until 1993, when all DMSP operations were transferred to Site 1.

[edit] Nike as sounding rocket

The Nike was also used as sounding rocket in the following versions:

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References

Morgan, Mark L., & Berhow, Mark A., Rings of Supersonic Steel, Second Edition, Hole in the Head Press, 2002, ISBN 0-615-12012-1.

  1. ^ Zambos, Ted. History of the Four Grand. The Four Grand. Retrieved on 2006-12-06.
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