Progress bar

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The default Windows XP (Luna theme) display of a determinate progress bar
The default Windows XP (Luna theme) display of a determinate progress bar
Example of indeterminate progress bar when searching in Windows XP (Energy blue theme)
Example of indeterminate progress bar when searching in Windows XP (Energy blue theme)
An example of an indeterminate progress bar in Mac OS X
An example of an indeterminate progress bar in Mac OS X

A progress bar is a component in a graphical user interface used to convey the progress of a task, such as a download or file transfer. Often, the graphic is accompanied by a textual representation of the progress in a percent format.

A more recent development is the indeterminate progress bar, which is used in situations where the extent of the task is unknown or the progress of the task can not be determined in a way that could be expressed as a percentage. This bar uses motion or some other indicator to show that progress is taking place, rather than using the size of the filled portion to show the total amount of progress.

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