Program (The Animatrix)

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Cis fighting
Cis fighting

Program is an animated short film and fifth segment of the nine-segments that comprise The Animatrix, the companion series of short animated stories set in the expanded world of The Matrix science fiction trilogy. The character designs were done by Yutaka Minowa. It was written and directed by Yoshiaki Kawajiri and has a running time of about 7 minutes and 15 seconds.

Program follows the protagonist Cis who is engaged in her "favorite simulation": a battle program set in feudal Japan. After successfully eliminating an attacking enemy cavalry, a lone samurai appears whom Cis recognizes as Duo, presumably (because it is never stated) one of the ship's crewmembers.

Initially, the two 'fight' each other as allies, testing one another's fighting abilities. During the course of their 'battle', Duo briefly disarms Cis. He questions her concentration and wonders if she regrets taking the Red Pill — the pill that took them out of the "peaceful life of the virtual world". They continue fighting until she finally overpowers Duo and is poised for the 'kill'. It is at this point that Duo states that he has "something to say". She sarcastically assumes that he wants to propose (marriage), but instead he admits a desire to return to the Matrix; incredulous, Cis nevertheless responds that doing so is impossible as 'the truth' is already known to them and they could never re-integrate into the Matrix. Duo reasons that reality is harsh and that he is tired of it. He adds that the Machines can make the both of them forget the truth.

Duo states that "it is already done", i.e. he has disabled or killed the other crewmembers and contacted the Machines. He asks Cis to return with him to the Matrix but she continues to refuse. As Duo becomes more aggressive in his arguments for returning, Cis attempts to escape while simultaneously warding off his attacks. Becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the situation, Cis requests an operator in order to exit the simulation. Duo tells her that no one can hear her and reiterates that it "is already done...the machines are on their way." She realizes his betrayal as their fighting becomes much more serious and forceful as they move from rooftop to rooftop. It is clear to the both of them that if she won't join him, Duo will have to kill her, too (death in a simulation results in a person's death in reality).

Duo, in a flying leap, attacks her from above with his sword. As the blade bears down towards her, Cis Standing her ground, concentrates and halts its forward motion inches from her face and breaks it (commonly known as the "blade catch" or "butterfly catch"). She takes the broken end of the blade and thrusts it into Duo. Duo states his love for her as he succumbs to the fatal blow.

Suddenly, she wakes up (i.e. exits) from the program and discovers that the encounter with "Duo" was a test program devised for training purposes. Kaiser unsuccessfully assures her that she acted appropriately during the test and met the test's targets. Clearly upset, she punches him and walks away. He remarks that aside from the punch to his face she passed the test...[fade to black].

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[edit] Voice actors

The Matrix series
Films The Matrix  | The Matrix Reloaded  | The Matrix Revolutions
The Animatrix Final Flight of the Osiris | The Second Renaissance | Kid's Story | Program | World Record | Beyond | A Detective Story | Matriculated
Soundtracks The Matrix: Original Motion Picture Score | The Matrix: Music from the Motion Picture | The Matrix Reloaded: The Album
The Matrix Revolutions: Music From The Motion Picture | The Animatrix: The Album | Enter The Matrix: Original Soundtrack From The Videogame
Games Enter the Matrix | The Matrix Online | The Matrix: Path of Neo
Characters Neo | Trinity | Morpheus | Smith (Agent Smith) | Captain Mifune |Agents | Oracle | Architect | Niobe | Merovingian | Persephone | Seraph | Deus Ex Machina | Minor human characters | Programs and machines
Locations The Matrix | Mega City | Club Hel | Mobil Ave | Zero One (Machine City) | Zion | List of ships in the Matrix series
Cast and crew Wachowski brothers | Keanu Reeves | Laurence Fishburne | Carrie-Anne Moss | Hugo Weaving | Jada Pinkett Smith | Owen Paterson | John Gaeta | Geof Darrow | Steve Skroce
Other topics Thematic motifs |Matrix digital rain | The Matrix character names | The Matrix Revisited | The Ultimate Matrix Collection
Related topics Bullet time | Cyberpunk | Digitalism | The Hero's Journey | Martial arts film | Messiahs in fiction | Virtual reality
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