Production board

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A traditional production board or production strip board is a filmmaking term for a cardboard or wooden chart holding colour-coded strips of paper, each containing information about a scene in the script. The strips can then be rearranged and laid out sequentially to represent the order one wants to film in (most films are shot "out of sequence," meaning that filming does not begin with scene 1 and end with the last scene). This produces a schedule that the producers can use to plan the production.

A modern version of a strip board will almost certainly be printed using dedicated computer software, such as the industry standards EP Scheduling or MovieMagic Scheduling, or by customizing general purpose software such as Calc or Microsoft Excel.

[edit] References

  • Film Scheduling by Ralph S. Singleton (2nd Ed, 1991)
  • Film Production Management by Bastian Cleve (2nd Ed, 2000)
  • The Complete Film Production Handbook (3rd Ed, 2001)
  • Production board in Microsoft Office Excel by Eddy Grabczewski (2004)
  • Production board in Calc. Dedicated to the public domain. (2006)

[edit] See also

Production strip

The Filmmaking Paper Trail:

Screenplay | Breaking down the script | Script breakdown sheet | Production strip | Production board | Day out of Days | One liner schedule | Shooting schedule | Film budgeting


Daily call sheet | Daily editor log | Daily progress report | Film inventory report (daily raw stock log) | Sound report | Daily production report (DPR) | Cost report