Product management

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Key concepts

Product / Price / Promotion
Placement / Service / Retail
Marketing research
Marketing strategy
Marketing management


Advertising / Branding
Direct marketing / Personal Sales
Product placement / Public relations
Publicity / Sales promotion

Promotional media
Marketing Career Opportunites

Billboard / Broadcasting
Computer games / Online media
Newspapers / Magazines

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Product management is an organizational function within a company dealing with the product planning or product marketing of a product or products at all stages of the product lifecycle.
Product Management is also a collective term used to describe the broad sum of diverse activities performed in the interest of delivering a particular product to market.
From a practical perspective, product management is an occupational domain which hold two professional disciplines: product planning and product marketing. This is because the product's functionality is created for the user via product planning efforts, and product value is presented to the buyer via product marketing activities.

Product planning and product marketing are very different but due to the collaborative nature of these two disciplines, some companies erroneously perceive them as being one discipline, which they call product management. Done carefully, it is very possible to functionally divide the product management domain into product planning and product marketing, yet retain the required synergy between the two disciplines.

Product planning typically deals with these activities:

Product marketing typically deals with these activities:

  • Product positioning and outbound messaging
  • Promoting the product externally with press, customers, and partners
  • Bringing new products to market

Product management typically deals with these closely-related functions:

[edit] See also

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