Talk:Princess Muna al-Hussein
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Antoinetteって日本語のカタカナ表記ではどう表記するの? この名前の人物はマリー・アントワネットぐらいしかおらず、しかもフランス語の音訳だし。 英語の名前では日本語にはまったく馴染みが無い名前なのです。
[edit] Princess Muna? Isn't she queen
She's the wife of king hussein, she should be a queen not Princess! Eshcorp 15:30, 19 May 2006 (UTC)
She didn't convert to Islam so she's just a Princess Consort. 23:43, 3 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Second Wife
King Hussein's first wife was Dina bint Abdul-Hamid, while Princess Muna was actually his second. Silver crescent 00:01, 25 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Convert
Antoinette did convert to Islam, if she didn't she would have never been in the Jordanian Royal Family
--Abdullah Geelah 21:13, 16 July 2006 (UTC)
She converted because the Jordanian constitution requires all persons hold succession rights be the products of a legitimate marriage between two muslim parents. Abdullah wouldn't be King if she had remained Christian.
- Well, she could have converted by her lips but maybe not by her heart. If I refer to Sweden the royal family has to be protestant christians, but it has often occured that a catholic woman have married a male member of the royal Swedish court and still practised her catholic religion but a little bit more discrete. -- 17:21, 22 August 2006 (UTC)
Queen Brandissima