Private Eye (Products)

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Private Eye, the British fortnightly satirical magazine has, at various times, offered magazine-related items for sale to readers and subscribers.

A "Little Brown Jug" issued by Private Eye Productions
A "Little Brown Jug" issued by Private Eye Productions

In the 1960s, the magazine offered limited-edition mugs. These were decorated by contributing cartoonists. Typical was the "Little Brown Jug" which had a caricature of an inebriated-looking George Brown. Willie Rushton designed an "orgy mug" which depicted various people as participants in a Roman orgy. Many of these mugs are now quite rare and some are considered to be collectors' items. The magazine has often had a normal mug (of the type many businesses and organisations issue for promotional purposes) available for sale, and has often offered one as a gift to new subscribers.

The Private Eye Productions logo
The Private Eye Productions logo