Princess Luisa of Savoy

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Princess Luisa of Savoy
Luisa Giovanna Agata Gavina Bianca Maria
Born August 16, 2006 (age 0)
Geneva, Switzerland
Title Princess of Savoy
Parents Emanuele Filiberto, Prince of Venice and Piedmont and Clotilde, Princess of Venice and Piedmont.

Princess Luisa of Savoy (Luisa Giovanna Agata Gavina Bianca Maria di Savoia, born August 16, 2006, Geneva, Switzerland) is the second child and daughter of Emanuele Filiberto, Prince of Venice and Piedmont and Clotide Courau. She has one elder sister, Princess Vittoria. She is a great-granddaugter of Umberto II of Italy and a granddaughter of Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples.

Titular Italian Royal Family
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