Prince Laurent of Belgium

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Prince Laurent of Belgium
Laurent Benoît Baudouin Marie
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Born October 19, 1963 (age 43)
Brussels, Belgium
Title Prince of Belgium
Spouse Claire Coombs
Children Princess Louise, Prince Nicholas, Prince Aymeric
Parents Albert II of Belgium and Paola Ruffo di Calabria
Belgian Royal Family

Prince Laurent of Belgium (Laurent Benoît Baudouin Marie) was born on October 19, 1963, in Brussels, Belgium, to King Albert II and Queen Paola of the Belgians (the then Prince and Princess of Liège). His godparents are Don Bettino Rocasoli and Duchess Sophie von Arenberg.

He was educated at the Royal Cadet High School and at the Royal Military Academy. Prince Laurent is very involved with animal welfare and the environment. He is President of the Royal Institute for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and the Promotion of Clean Technologies and President of the Prince Laurent Foundation for the Welfare of Domestic and Wild Animals. Prince Laurent is currently an ambassador for World Harvest, a Washington, D.C. based agricultural research association.

He used to be third in line to the throne, but this changed when the constitution was altered so that women would enjoy the same succession rights as men. A rumour has it that this was done on instigation of King Baudouin I, who is said to have disliked Laurent because he did not share the king's strict religious views. He is now 11th in line to the Belgian throne.

[edit] Marriage and children

Prince Laurent and Miss Claire Coombs, born in Bath, England, but living in Belgium since childhood, were married on April 12, 2003. Miss Coombs was also given the title of Princess of Belgium upon her marriage.

Laurent and Claire have three children:

Styles of
Prince Laurent of Belgium
Reference style His Royal Highness
Spoken style Your Royal Highness
Alternative style Sir
Preceded by:
Princess Laetitia Maria, Archduchess of Austria-Este
Line of succession to the Belgian Throne Succeeded by:
Princess Louise of Belgium