Wikipedia:Press coverage 2003

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Wikipedia:Press coverage archive for 2003


[edit] Wikipedia as a source

Several newspapers and magazines have cited Wikipedia as a source. This is of course a great vote of confidence, but also brings with it a responsibility. Was French toast really called German toast before? Was the Mesopotamian plain really called the Fertile Crescent?

Wikipedia as a press source
2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006

Some of these articles were found using Google News and AltaVista News.

[edit] January

[edit] March

[edit] April

[edit] May

[edit] June

[edit] July

[edit] August

[edit] September

[edit] October

[edit] November

[edit] December

[edit] About Wikipedia

[edit] English

[edit] Bulgarian

[edit] Croatian

[edit] Danish

[edit] Dutch

  • Apestaartje
  • Metro(registration required)
  • Dutch computer magazine for the elderly, PC Plus Magazine, published a four page tutorial on how to add and edit Wikipedia entries in their October 2003 issue.

[edit] Esperanto

  • Radio Polonia interviews Chuck Smith; broadcast 2002/04/28 (MP3, transcript)
  • the March edition of the magazine Esperanto by the Universal Esperanto Association includes an article about Wikipedia
  • the 203rd issue of Starto by the Czech Esperanto Association includes articles from and about Wikipedia
  • the book Fakaj Studoj en Esperanto (Specialized Studies in Esperanto) includes a chapter entitled "Vikipedio - Multlingva Reta Enciklopedio" (Wikipedia - A Multilingual Online Encyclopedia) about Wikipedia by Chuck Smith
  • Ĝangalo (a popular Esperanto portal) has an article about Wikipedia
  • Ĝangalo has an interview with Arno Lagrange about Wikipedia.

[edit] Finnish

[edit] French

[edit] German

[edit] Hungarian

[edit] Indonesian

  • Detikinet, 3 November 2003. 1001 Otak Berkolaborasi Lewat Internet.

[edit] Italian

[edit] Japanese - 日本語

[edit] Korean

[edit] Norwegian

[edit] Polish

  • On 30.10.2001 the biggest Polish daily "Gazeta Wyborcza" had a lengthy article about Wikipedia. You can read it in Polish here.
  • The same article (somewhat shortened) was reprinted by "Angora" weekly magazine. (11.11.2001)
  • "Trybuna" daily newspaper had a feature about Wikipedia in the issue of 10.11.2001.
  • PC World Komputer Witryna Dnia,, 6 stycznia 2002

[edit] Portuguese

[edit] Russian

[edit] Serbian

  • Svet Kompjutera 10/2003, in an article about wikis (the article has three sections: introductory, "Wikipedia" and "Others")

[edit] Spanish

  • El Mundo - credits incorrectly for thinking of the idea for wikipedia
  • Ke!, revista de Infonomia (requires log-in)
  • "Elec-Cronicas / Wikipedia", El Norte, Monterrey, Mexico, Decemeber 29, 2003 - "Una de las aventuras mas sorprendentes de la Red es probablemente la tentativa de escribir una enciclopedia en la redaccion de la cual cualquier internauta puede participar a su antojo. Basada en la tecnologia de los wikis de la cual hemos hablado hace poco, la Wikipedia festejara su tercer aniversario el 15 de enero con resultados impresionantes."

[edit] Swedish

  • Datormagazin, 8/2003