Wikipedia:Press coverage 2001
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Wikipedia:Press coverage archive for 2001
- Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)
- Sun Media syndicated "netelligence" column by Sandy McMurray (printed in the London Free Press, Calgary Sun, and Toronto Sun 2001/08/15, Edmonton Sun 2001/08/16) - Referring to EB charging for its online articles, " and are two growing collections of online information written by a team of volunteers."
- Wales on Sunday 2001/08/26 Knowledge at your fingertips
- Irish News 2001/08/27 The information is at your fingertips - but for a price
- MIT Technology Review 2001/09/04 Free the Encyclopedias!
- New York Times 2001/09/20 Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You (free registration required)
- (NYT story summarized)
- International Herald Tribune (reprint of NYT story) 2001/09/24
- Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)
- MSNBC (reprint of Tech Review story)
- Graham Lawton, "The Great Giveway," NewScientist (British science magazine) (see also the associated forum and note that this article is copylefted!)
- Open Source Schools, reprinted on (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)
- Free Online Scholarship Newsletter
- Open Source Schools (another column) (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)
- Shift Magazine (mentioned in The Shiftlist, a regular link collection)
- The Honolulu Advertiser
- The New York Times Magazine 2001/12/09 Populist editing
- An interview about the wiki concept with Ward Cunningham by National Public Radio in the U.S. mentioned Wikipedia. The interview can be listened to (as of this writing) here. 2001/12/20 future tense
- AP story/Newsday December 25, 2001. Also carried by: The New York Times - Washington Post - Yahoo! - - Road Runner - ThirdAge and many others.
- Yahoo! Internet Life: "Brain Waves: Works in Progress," apparently (has anyone seen it yet?) is in Volume 8, Number 2.