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iGrimshaw's Tamarin
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Cebidae
Genus: Saguinus
Species: S. grimesis
Binomial name
Saguinus grimesis
(Soto Grimshaw, 1856)

Grimshaw's Tamarin, Saguinus grimesis, is a species of tamarin from South America. It is endemic to the Amazon region of Brazil. The Grimshaw tamarin is a diurnal and arboreal species about 20 cm in length. They have black fur with a characteristic brown patch on their head. While they are omnivorous, they subsist primarily on a diet of grasshopers and berries. Both male and female Grimshaw tamarins are extremely territorial and spend most of their lives living alone, usually keeping a range of about 2 square kilometers per animal. Their only other encounters with other tamarins are for mating and raising young. During mating season male and female Grimshaws can locate each other based on their unusually keen sense of smell and are believed to be able to smell the presence of another Grimshaw over 3 kilometers away. Once the young are weaned (typically around 3-4 months) the family disperses and does not come in contact again. Females reach sexual maturity around two years and have up to 4 pregnancies during their lifetime.

[edit] References

  • Cabrera, A. and Yepes J. Historia natural ediar, mamiferos sud-americanos (vida, costumbres y descripciĆ³n). CompaƱia Argentina de editores, Buenos Aires, 1940.