Preston Guild

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The right to hold a Guild Merchant was conferred upon the Burgesses of Preston by a charter of 1179; the associated Preston Guild is a civic celebration held every 20 years.

Such a celebration had been held from time to time, but at the one in 1328 it was decreed that the Guild should be held every twenty years. There were breaks in this pattern for various reasons, but an unbroken series of them were held from 1542 to 1922. The 400 year sequence was broken due to World War II, but resumed in 1952. the next one will be held in 2012.

As well as concerts, and other exhibitions, the main event is a series of processions through the city. There are also numerous street parties held in and around Preston.

In 1952 the emphasis was the bright new world awaiting us all after World War II. The major event held in Avenham Park had every school participating, and hundreds of children, from toddlers to teenagers, demonstrated different aspects of Physical Education in the natural amphitheatre of the park.