Presidential Elections Committee

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The Presidential Elections Committee is set up by the Government of Singapore to ensure that each candidate for the office of President of Singapore has the qualifications referred to in Article 19 of the Constitution of Singapore.

The qualifications include:

  • the person satisfies the Presidential Elections Committee that he is a person of integrity, good character and reputation;
  • the person has for a period of not less than 3 years held office —
    • as Minister, Chief Justice, Speaker, Attorney-General, Chairman of the Public Service Commission, Auditor-General, Accountant-General or Permanent Secretary;
    • as chairman or chief executive officer of a statutory board to which Article 22A applies;
    • as chairman of the board of directors or chief executive officer of a company incorporated or registered under the Companies Act (Cap. 50) with a paid-up capital of at least $100 million or its equivalent in foreign currency; or
    • in any other similar or comparable position of seniority and responsibility in any other organisation or department of equivalent size or complexity in the public or private sector which, in the opinion of the Presidential Elections Committee, has given him such experience and ability in administering and managing financial affairs as to enable him to carry out effectively the functions and duties of the office of President.

The committee shall comprises of:

[edit] Presidential election, 2005

On 27 May 2005, Singapore government announced the members of the Presidential Elections Committee for the Singapore presidential election, 2005. They are:

  • Andrew Chew Guan Khuan (Chairman)
  • Lim Siong Guan
  • H R Hochstadt

[edit] External link