Prairie Fire (mixed drink)

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[edit] Summary

Drinking, or better inducing another to drink, certain kinds of a Prairie Fire may be considered a drinking game for the unwary especially if they can be convinced to drink it all at one go.

Basically a Prairie Fire is half and half of some hot, hopefully very hot sauce and some strong liquor or hard sprits.

There are different versions of the Prairie Fire But they follow the same general theme.

The betting versions typically run half and half but one can tune or detune according to taste or maliciousness.

[edit] Variations

Lighter versions may contain much less hot sauce, down to as little as a dash. Some recommend 1:1 mixture, some recommend 1:2 and even less. For the less brave (or the more intelligent) a hearty dash of whatever hot sauce is chosen is all that is required.

[edit] Canadian Prairie Fire

½ to 1 part Tabasco sauce
1 part Yukon Jack

[edit] Mexican Prairie Fire

½ to 1 part Tabasco sauce
1 part Tequila or Mescal

[edit] Redneck Prairie Fire

1 part Louisiana Hot Sauce
1 part Grain Alcohol (White Lightning)

[edit] Caribbean Prairie Fire

½ to 1 part Tabasco sauce
1 part 151 proof rum