Post trial lawsuits against Michael Jackson

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Since People v. Jackson ended in June 2005, there have been many reports of more lawsuits developing against Michael Jackson.


[edit] Anti-Semitism

In 2005 Mark Schaffel, a former-associate of Jackson's who would later go on to sue Jackson for unpaid wages (see "The Schaffel Case" section below), leaked part of a recorded telephone conversation to ABC in which Jackson allegedly called Jews "leeches". Even though the authenticity of the clip could not be verified, according to ABC, The Anti-Defamation League demanded that Jackson apologize for his comments. Abraham Foxman, director of the ADL, said, "Michael Jackson has an anti-Semitic streak. It seems every time he has a problem in his life, he blames it on Jews."

Raymone Bain, the singer's publicist, said in a press release on November 23, 2005, "Michael Jackson does not have a racist bone in his body. Never would he say anything, or do anything, that would be offensive to any ethnic group, or hurtful to any ethnic group. It is not in his character, or his being. He has spent his entire life reaching out to people throughout the world by spreading love through his music, and his philanthropic efforts. It is unfortunate that these tapes are being disseminated throughout the airways without any due deligence with regards to the authenticity. However, Mr. Mesereau is representing Mr. Jackson in this matter and the truth will be revealed. Because this is an on-going legal matter, we are not issuing any statements at this time".

Since the tapes were leaked in November 2005, there has been no further mentioning of any developments in this case.

[edit] Animal neglect

In early 2006, a Neverland Ranch veterinarian claimed that since Jackson left the United States in 2005 to reside in Bahrain, he allegedly has not provided for the welfare of his exotic animals at the Neverland Ranch. The veterinarian reportedly sued him for unpaid bills of nearly $100,000 in a California court. However, according to a federal agency that inspected the menagerie after a complaint by an animal rights group, the animals at Michael Jackson's Neverland Valley Ranch zoo were not being mistreated. As a result, there was no further action taken in regard to the complaints filed by the Neverland Ranch veterinarian.

[edit] Sexual assault

In 2006 more allegations of sexual assault were levelled against Michael Jackson by a man who claims Michael Jackson molested him, intoxicated him with drugs and alcohol, and forced him to undergo unnecessary cosmetic surgery. The lawsuit, filed in Orange County Superior Court, claims Jackson "repeatedly and forcefully" sexually molested the plaintiff from 1987 (when he was two years old) until December 1999, at locations that were owned, leased or rented by defendants. Other defendants in the case include various divisions of Sony Music (Jackson's record label). The plaintiff accuses Sony of conspiring with Jackson and allowing the alleged acts to occur.

[edit] The Schaffel Case

In 2006, F. Marc Schaffel claimed that Michael Jackson owed him $3.8 million for unpaid loans, unpaid salary for a charity single, and a share of proceeds from 2 TV programs which were made to improve Jackson's image. Schaffel would later reduce the amount he was asking from $3.8m to $1.6m and finally to $1.4m. Jackson allegedly sacked Schaffel after discovering he was a director of gay pornography. On 14 July 2006, the jury awarded Schaffel $900,000, however, the jury also awarded Jackson with $200,000 plus interest, after initially asking for $660,000.

[edit] References