Template:Political Affiliations: Congo/Kinshasa/Zaire
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< Template:Political Affiliations: Congo | Kinshasa
AFDL | Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo (Zaïre) |
(Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo (Zaïre) only legal party from 1997, Laurent Kabila personalist | |
UDPS | Union Démocratique pour Progrès Social |
(Democratic Union for the Social Progress) | |
UFERI | Union des Fédéralistes Et des Républicains Indépendants |
(Union of Independent Federalists and Republicans) | |
ABAKO | Association des personnes de Bakongo |
(Association of the Bakongo People) | |
BALUBAKAT | Baluba Association Générale des Personnes de Baluba de Katanga |
(General Association of the Baluba People of Katanga) | |
CONAKAT | Confédération des Associations de Katanga Tribales |
(Confederation of Tribal Associations of Katanga) | |
MNC-L | Mouvement National Congolais-Lumumba |
(Congolese National Movement, Lumumba faction) | |
MNC-K | Mouvement National Congolais-Kalonji |
(Congolese National Movement, Kalonji faction) | |
MPR | Mouvement Populaire Révolutionnaire |
(Popular Revolutionary Movement) Mobuto personalist, only legal party 10 Apr 1967-Jan 1991 | |
Mil | Military |
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