Talk:Polymorphism in object-oriented programming

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I would say that being able to respond to method calls by their names is only a consequence of polymorphism, and is caused by the methods being virtual. Polymorphism is the ability of treating objects of classes also as objects of all their superclasses, in all aspects (thus being able to use their members such as methods).

polymorphism manupulates data.

Is it true that one can program the system to jump over clssses i.e., I want some data but not all from each class, cub class, partial class, and supr class however, I do not want to have to search each class thereby slowin g down my processing power or taking up more processor power therteby slowing down my time to transmit. I want to <Get> data fro the Class and the supper class by settin g pointrs skipping the sub and partial clases using if then statem ents. If this x in class skip to super c;ss and <get> data and <send>. This is imperative for keeping real time systems.

