Talk:Political astrology

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They tell us to think out-of-the-box. Here's a new idea about the human condition that fits the bill.


We posit that each cultural group is patterned on an actual physical part of the human body. Admittedly it's farfetched, but if you give it a chance, you might find that there is some logic to it. We specify twelve body parts – they go from the head down to the feet and we've borrowed a catchy name for them ... chakras. There are societies that are associated with the head, the jaw, arms & shoulders, bosom, heart, tummy, tush, sex, thigh, knee, shin and feet. Naturally all of the body is needed to run a society, but usually one part provides the national character, and it's this public quality that we want to target.

For example the English are head people. The accent in that country really is on the pate. They wear powdered wigs and those big bearskin hats, are ruled by the crown and they like to call each other 'governor' and 'squire' – meaning headman. The Japanese are ruled by the tummy. Their speech comes from the gut, they bow from the waist, and they're preoccupied with 'hara', Japanese for stomach. When they want to end it all they take the spirit – ki - out of the stomach and commit harakiri.

American culture stems from the arms, shoulders and lungs. Big muscled arms have always been our totem. We hold most of the boxing titles, our football players sport huge shoulders and, with our rulership of the lungs, we "write the songs that make the whole world sing."

There's one more notion on humanity that, we think, brings it to a genuine out-of-the-box level.


Many believe that all the people of the world are really one. They feel a strong kinship to everyone else on the planet. We believe this too and we have a model that ties the world together. If you start at England, move west in an up-and-down wave, and assign the body chakras to major cultural areas, you get a huge form stretched around the globe that resembles the human body. We call it Gulliver. We associate the body chakra parts to signs of the zodiac because each chakra follows closely the characteristics of one of the twelve astrological signs. Let's begin our voyage with Gulliver's head – England. It's ruled by the sign Aries, is associated with the head, as we said, and is the start of the globe's longitude.


The next zone is the jaw and neck. The sign is Taurus and it includes Ireland, New England and South America. A look at the map shows them to be in line as the next body part. The Irish are the proverbial silver-tongued talkers and drinkers, both qualities of the jaw. They are often referred to as ‘Harps,' an allusion to the vocal chords. New Englanders are traditionally the most stubborn of Americans, a characteristic of Taurus. In South America we can visualize the Pampas with contentedly grazing bulls, the Taurean totem, as far as the eye can see. Taurus is fixed and stable earth; no army has ever marched out of South America to menace any other part of the world. The sign also rules childhood and governments in South America are usually headed by, what can best be described as, a gang of school yard bullies.


Gemini rules the arms, shoulders and lungs, and its age level is adolescence. Its place in the world lies in the northeast of the United States. Here is the domain of energy, innovation and youthful culture. Sports accent upper body strength. America's government is topped by a set of Gemini twins – President and Vice-President. As a teenage society we can't stand to bow to authority figures, so for problem solving we choose up sides and play out every issue as a game. With manifest destiny and a civil war the northeast was able to impose its Gemini will on the rest of the country. However, other signs are still intact.


The bosom of the world is in the southeastern part of the United States. The south has a distinct culture of its own, ruled by the sign Cancer, that accents home and women in general. Songs are mostly about the love of a woman, and although men are as brave as anywhere, the emphasis is on ‘down home' values.

The world's heart lies in the zone from Los Angeles to Micronesia. It is the Leo area of the world and houses the stars of Hollywood and the blazing sun of the Pacific islands. Moving on we encounter the tummy of Gulliver in Japan and Australia. Countries in this zone are ruled by Virgo. A listing of the attributes of this sign and those of Japan would be identical. Neatness, attention to detail, hard work and uniformity of action are guide-book descriptions of that country and the sign. The Japanese are governed by politeness and conformity. Australia, though not identical, has definite Virgo qualities.


We allocate the world's hips and spine to Libra; the place is China. We hate to say it, but we think that the dragons in Chinese parades are totems of the human derriere – no other explanation seems to fit as well. The dragon's head comes at the end of an intestine-like body, snorting fire from its 'mouth.' Chinese astrology lists a bunch of low-life animals - pig, dog, rat, snake - that correspond to some of the signs, but for their own sign, Libra, they use Dragon. Their 'seat of power' is the Chairman. Libra rules art, beauty and up and down balance, which is a key feature of the Chinese language.

Scorpio is to be found in Southeast Asia. It rules the organs of reproduction. Not only is sex a national industry in Thailand, but the iron will, characteristic of Scorpio, was evident as Vietnam withstood Chinese, Japanese, French and American conquests to finally achieve its independence.


The thigh is the Sagittarian part of the body. Without Sag you can't run very fast. The galloping warriors of Ghengis Khan, and now the Trans Siberian Railway, attest to the Sagittarian grip on this part of the world. The upper leg, having the longest bone in the body, extends the Sag culture all the way to Arabia, where machismo, their so-called honor, and swift action flourish.

India is the knee zone. It is ruled by the Capricorn goat, ever climbing in consciousness but also mindful of the hierarchy of the caste system. Capricorn rules old age. The aged are revered in India, and usually are an intrinsic part of the government.


Russian dance and military high stepping is focused on their calf-length boots. They are the shin-Aquarian part of the great body. Aquarians are the booze-guzzling, party-goers of the zodiac and they tend to be a tad lazy. This idiosyncrasy is probably the reason that crops in Russia often rot in the fields. They also champion equality, definitely an Aquarian trait, evidenced by the 70 year socialist experiment there.

Finally, the Piscean feet are to be found in Africa, where the best Olympic runners come from, and Europe, which held such importance during the last two thousand years of the Age of Pisces.


Gulliver then, resembles a big body and consists of the major cultures around the globe. It's a powerful model for understanding the interaction of the world's societies. It also tells those of us who are aware that, yes, we are all part of one great being.

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