Polynesian outlier

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Polynesian outliers are a number of Polynesian islands which lie in Melanesia and Micronesia. Based on archaeological and linguistic analysis, these islands are believed to have been colonized by seafaring Polynesians, mostly from the area of Tonga, Samoa and Tuvalu.


[edit] List of Polynesian outliers

in the Federated States of Micronesia:

in Papua New Guinea

in the Solomon Islands

in Vanuatu

in Loyalty Islands (New Caledonia)

[edit] Language

The outlier groups in Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, and the northern Solomon Islands speak Ellicean languages (which also includes Tuvaluan), while those further to the south in the Solomons, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia speak Futunic languages (which also includes the language of Wallis and Futuna). These are two of the branches of the Samoic language family, which is sometimes called the Samoan-Outlier language family for this reason. It is a subbranch of the Nuclear Polynesian languages, which include most of Polynesia.

Some of the outlier population also speak the local Melanesian or Micronesian language.

[edit] Genetics

A 1983 study analyzing the DNA of 2400 people in the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu have found markers which clearly distinguish the Polynesian outlier islands of the group. Of the four Polynesian outliers considered, Anuta was the most genetically distinct, followed by Rennell and Bellona. Tikopia showed more influence from the nearby Melanesian population. All indicate traces of interisland population movements, and even sources from Europeans, Africans, and Asians, though the latter were at a low level. [1]

[edit] External links

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