Policy debate competitions

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Policy Debate
Policy debate competitions

Inter-Collegiate policy debate

Structure of policy debate · Resolution

Constructive · Rebuttal · Prep Time
Evidence · Flow


Affirmative · Negative · Judge

Types of Arguments

Stock Issues · Case· Disadvantage
Counterplan · Kritik
Impact calculus · Topicality

Argumentative Concepts

Offense · Defense · Turn · Drop

There are several venues of competition for policy debate.


[edit] Tournaments

Most high school debaters debate in local tournaments in their city, state or nearby states. Hundreds of such tournaments are held at high schools throughout the US each weekend during the debate season.

A small subset of high school debaters, mostly from elite public and private schools, travel around the country to tournaments in what is called the 'national circuit.' Major national circuit tournaments include the Glenbrooks at Glenbrook North and Glenbrook South High Schools in the North Shore area of Chicago, the Barkley Forum for High Schools at Emory University, and the St. Mark's Heart of Texas Invitational at St. Mark's School of Texas in Dallas.

[edit] Championships

[edit] High school

[edit] College

There is no single unified national championship in college debate; the National Debate Tournament (NDT), the Cross Examination Debate Association (CEDA) and the American Debate Association (ADA) all host national tournaments. The NDT is one of the most prestigious college tournaments. CSTV a college sports network makes a documentary of the NDTs every year and showcases the top teams and some of the highlights from the tournament. NDT Documentary

[edit] Institutes

Highly competitive debaters often attend summer institutes ranging from one or two weeks to two or more months. Institutes exist at Dartmouth, Northwestern, the University of Kentucky, the University of North Texas, Michigan State University, University of Texas - Austin, the University of Michigan, Miami University and Concordia, among others.

[edit] External links

High school debate tournaments