Polícia Militar

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For other uses, see Brazilian Military Police (disambiguation).
A group of Polícia Militar troops from São Paulo
A group of Polícia Militar troops from São Paulo

Polícia Militar, or PM, is the name of the state police forces in Brazil. Each of the States of Brazil has their own corps of Polícia Militar, which is in charge of state wide law enforcement. Although the name literally means military police they are rather a gendarmerie force, which means that they are military organizations charged with police duties over civilian population.

There is also a joint "Força Nacional de Segurança" ("National Security Force"), created under the presidency of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, which has been formed by the state corps. This force is composed of the most qualified personnel from all the states, only to be used when the Governor of the State asks for help to control a significant security crisis. It was used for the first time during riots in the state of Espírito Santo.

[edit] Divisions

The state corps are divided into battalions (Batalhões de Polícia Militar, BPM); the battalions are divided into companies (Companhias, Cia.); and the Companies are divided into "advanced posts" (Destacamento Policial Militar, DPM). Each of the state corps has its own uniform, coat of arms and anthem. Each battalion in the corps also have their own coat of arms.

[edit] Actions

The state corps have special units for riot control and organized crime combat, Batalhão de Choque (Riot Battalion) and Batalhão de Missões Especiais (Special Missions Battalion). It also has an internal intelligence unit, called P-2, investigation services, and an internal organization who punish members involved with crime, and members who make some excess in actions. Some corps also have cavalry units, Cavalaria. In some states, these units have different names.

[edit] Ranks

  • Soldado (Private)
  • Cabo (Corporal)
  • 3º Sargento (3rd Sergeant)
  • 2º Sargento (2nd Sergeant)
  • 1º Sargento (1st Sergeant)
  • Aluno Oficial (Student Officer, years 1-3)
  • Aspirante (Student Officer, in training)
  • Sub-Tenente (Sub Lieutenant)
  • 2º Tenente (2nd Lieutenant)
  • 1º Tenente (1st Lieutenant)
  • Capitão (Captain)
  • Major
  • Tenente-Coronel (Lieutenant-Colonel)
  • Coronel (Colonel)

[edit] Polícia Militar Corps

  • Polícia Militar do Estado do Acre (PMAC)
  • Polícia Militar de Alagoas (PMAL)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado do Amapá (PMAP)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado do Amazonas (PMAM)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado da Bahia (PMBA)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado do Ceará (PMCE)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado do Espírito Santo (PMES)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado de Goiás (PMGO)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado do Maranhão (PMMA)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado de Mato Grosso (PMMT)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul (PMMS)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado de Minas Gerais (PMMG)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado do Pará (PMPA)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado da Paraíba (PMPB)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado do Paraná (PMPR)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado de Pernambuco (PMPE)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado do Piauí (PMPI)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (PMRJ)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (PMRN)
  • Brigada Militar do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Polícia Militar do Estado de Rondônia (PMRO)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado de Roraima (PMRR)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado de Santa Catarina (PMSC)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado de São Paulo (PMSP)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado de Sergipe (PMSE)
  • Polícia Militar do Estado de Tocantins (PMTO)
  • Polícia Militar do Distrito Federal (PMDF)

[edit] See also

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