Pod People

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Pod people may also refer to the novel The Body Snatchers. For the doom metal band, see Pod People (band).

Pod People is a 1983 Spanish science fiction film directed by Juan Piquer Simón. A young boy discovers a lovable alien creature, but the alien's mother is on the prowl. The film was originally meant to be about evil aliens, but the plot was changed to cash in on the success of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. The film was largely forgotten until 1991 when it was lampooned by Mystery Science Theater 3000 and later released in this format by Rhino Home Video.

While members of a rock band are camping in the woods, hunters nearby discover a stash of huge eggs and begin smashing them. One baby alien escapes while the mother takes her revenge, first on the hunters and then on members of the band. The baby, a furry creature with an elephant-like trunk, is lost in the woods and is found by Tommy, who lives in a secluded house with his mother and uncle. Tommy nicknames him "Trumpy", and they become playmates. As the dangerous mother alien continues looking for her child, the rock band seeks out Tommy's house for refuge.

The film features the fictional pop band's performance of "Burning Rubber Tires", which was lampooned in a skit on Mystery Science Theater 3000 for its unintelligible lyrics, specifically the chorus (whose lyrics were mistaken by the hosts as "hear the engine roll now", "idiot control now", and others). The lead singer's after-song gesture of making the a-ok sign, smiling, and saying, "It stinks" became a recurring in-joke on MST3K.

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