Plat Mallar

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Plat Mallar is a fictional character from the Star Wars Expanded Universe. He appears in the books Before the Storm, Shield of Lies, and Tyrant's Test.

[edit] Overview

Plat Mallar was a Gran who lived on the Imperial planet Polyene. He was a student who had learned to fly an Imperial TIE Interceptor starfighter. During the Yevathan attack of Polyene, he piloted his TIE Interceptor against Yevathan TIE/rc Recon fighters. He managed to destry one of the three TIE/rcs, but when his wingmates were killed, he fled to the far side of the planet in fear.

Mallar eventually gathered enough courage to return to the battle. He then used a visual recorder to tape the battle. Mallar escaped Polyene and attempted an inerstellar journey using his fighter's sublight drives. He almost died from lack of oxygen, but was picked up by a New Republic prowler ship.

Mallar spent fifteen days in a bacta tank healing. When he awoke, he was greeted by Admiral Ackbar, leader of the New Republic Military. Ackbar helped Mallar to enlist in the New Republic Navy, and Mallar was given a mission to escort Commodore Han Solo to the Fifth Fleet. The Yevatha ambushed Solo and his escort, pulling the entourage from hyperspace using an Interdictor Cruiser. Mallar tried to defend the Commodore, but his ship was disabled with an ion blast and Solo was captured. Plat Mallar returned to the New Republic fleet and was questioned by a New Republic Intelligence officer, and then allowed to return to his quarters to wait for further assignment.

The video recordings of the Battle of Polyene taken by Mallar help motivate the New Republic Senate into going to war with the Yevantha.