Plantagenet, Western Australia

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The Shire of Plantagenet, managed from the town of Mount Barker in the Great Southern region of Western Australia and immediately north of Albany, includes the townships of Narrikup,Rocky Gully, and Kendenup as well as the scenic Porongurup Range. The region is noted for agriculture, principally wheat, sheep (wool and meat), beef cattle, wine, canola and olives. Local tourist attractions include the Porongurup Range and Stirling Range, a packed-out museum based within the original police station, and other pioneering structures such as St Werberg's Chapel.

Local Government Areas of the Great Southern region of Western Australia

Albany | Broomehill | Cranbrook | Denmark | Gnowangerup | Jerramungup | Katanning | Kent | Kojonup | Plantagenet | Tambellup | Woodanilling