Pioneering (Bahá'í)

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A pioneer is a volunteer Bahá'í who leaves his or her home to journey to another place (often another country) for the purpose of teaching the Bahá'í Faith. The act of so moving is termed pioneering. Bahá'ís refrain from using the term "missionary".

During the Ten Year Crusade which ran from 1953 to 1963, hundreds of pioneers settled in countries and territories throughout the world, which eventually led to the establishment of 44 new National and Regional Spiritual Assemblies and the increase in the Bahá'í population.

[edit] Teaching work

The teaching work done by pioneers was done in many different ways including, but not limited to

  • Conversation with people who are receptive to the teachings of the Bahá’í Faith.
  • Firesides: meetings held in one's home to which those interested in the Bahá’í Faith are invited.
  • Public talks: Lectures given about the Bahá’í Faith.

Shoghi Effendi, the Guardian of the Bahá’í Faith, has written:

"An effort, moreover, can and should be made, not only by representative Bahá'í bodies, but also by prospective teachers, as well as by other individual believers, deprived of the privilege of visiting those shores or of settling on that continent, to seize every opportunity that presents itself to make the acquaintance, and awaken the genuine interest, of such people who are either citizens of these countries, or are in any way connected with them, whatever be their interests or profession. Through the kindness shown them, or any literature which may be given them, or any connection which they may establish with them, the American believers can thereby sow such seeds in their hearts as might, in future circumstances, germinate and yield the most unexpected results.
Shoghi Effendi, The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 65. [1]

[edit] Teaching versus proselytization

For Bahá'ís pioneering refers to something similar to missionary work, but is seen as something different than proselytization, which is seen as bringing undue pressure to someone to learn about their Faith, and which is strictly prohibited in the Bahá'í Faith.

"Care, however, should, at all times, be exercised, lest in their eagerness to further the international interests of the Faith they frustrate their purpose, and turn away, through any act that might be misconstrued as an attempt to proselytize and bring undue pressure upon them, those whom they wish to win over to their Cause."
Shoghi Effendi, The Advent of Divine Justice, p. 65. [2]
"It is true that Bahá'u'lláh lays on every Bahá'í the duty to teach His Faith. At the same time, however, we are forbidden to proselytize, so it is important for all the believers to understand the difference between teaching and proselytizing. It is a significant difference and, in some countries where teaching a religion is permitted, but proselytizing is forbidden, the distinction is made in the law of the land. Proselytizing implies bringing undue pressure to bear upon someone to change his Faith. It is also usually understood to imply the making of threats or the offering of material benefits as an inducement to conversion. In some countries mission schools or hospitals, for all the good they do, are regarded with suspicion and even aversion by the local authorities because they are considered to be material inducements to conversion and hence instruments of proselytization."
Universal House of Justice, 1982 Jan 03, Teaching vs. Proselytizing.

The following is a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual:

"He sees no objection to the word Missionary appearing on your passport as long as it is clearly understood what kind of a ‘missionary’ a Bahá’í pioneer is. In the best and highest sense of the term it certainly could be applied to our teachers. Unfortunately this word has often been associated with a narrow-minded, bigoted type of proselytizing quite alien to the Bahá’í method of spreading our teachings." [February 7, 1945]