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Piolet is also a commonly misspelling variant of terms like Harbour pilot.

Piolet is a MANOLITO servent developed by Pablo Soto. Piolet shares the same codebase as Blubster; the name change is a result of concerns from Pablo Soto's employer, Optisoft. Piolet can share and download audio (inc. music) files, and features SHA-1 hashing, search by artist or title, filtering by bitrate, instant messaging, and voice chat.

Piolet is the French word for an ice axe used for ice climbing, which resembles a pickaxe, or pioche.

It's criticized by some universities' IT departments for excessive bandwidth usage causing network congestion. Also it bundles search toolbars and Stargate among other applications sometimes considered malware which may cause instability for some users.

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