Pilot Project on CSEC, Child Trafficking and educational rehabilitation
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[edit] Pilot project on CSEC, Child Trafficking and educational rehabilitation
The Programme Towards the Elimination of the worst forms of Child Labour (TECL), is responsible for the commissioning of research and the design of pilot projects with a focus on CSEC and child trafficking. The purpose of the overall project is to investigate the phenomena, to design and run pilot projects, and to develop and implement policy to combat CSEC and child trafficking with a focus on educational rehabilitation.
[edit] CSEC
The Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention (Convention No 182) of the International Labour Organization (ILO) defines the commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) as a worst form of child labour. This convention provides that countries that ratified it must eliminate CSEC without delay. It was adopted in 1999 and enjoys the fastest pace of ratifications in the ILO's history since 1919.
The Convention was drawn up after the first World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation held in Stockholm in 1996. CSEC was defined in the declaration adopted at this congress as ‘sexual abuse by the adult and remuneration in cash or kind to the child or a third person or persons'.
CSEC is also part of, but distinct from child abuse, or even child sexual abuse. Child rape, for example, will not usually constitute CSEC. Neither will domestic violence.
Although CSEC is considered as child labour, and indeed one of the WFCL, in terms of international conventions, in legislation, policy and programmatic terms, CSEC is often treated as a form of child abuse or a crime.
The South African Child Labour Action Programme (CLAP) has identified the Commercial sexual exploitation of children as one of the Worst Forms of Child Labour, as a priority area for action on child labour in South Africa.
[edit] Child trafficking
The Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention (Convention No 182) of the International Labour Organization (ILO) defines child trafficking as a worst form of child labour.Child trafficking and CSEC sometimes overlap. However, trafficking for purposes of sexual exploitation is not necessarily of a commercial nature.
Trafficking includes recruiting a child from his / her home to work in another place for commercial sexual exploitation, an exploitative labour practice or the removal of body parts.
Little conclusive figures are available on trafficking in South Africa. According to the International Organisation on Migration South Africa serves as a source, destination and conduit for trafficked children. However, previous research and anectodal evidence suggests that it is more common that children are taken from the rural areas of South Africa to work in urban areas, often in domestic work.