Physical intimacy

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"Caress" redirects here. There is also the U.S. community of Caress, West Virginia.

Physical intimacy is informal proximity and/or touching. It can be enjoyed by itself and/or be an expression of feelings (such as close friendship, love, and/or sexual attraction) which they have for each other. Examples of physical intimacy include being inside someone's personal space, holding hands, hugging, kissing, caressing, and sexual activity.

The forms of physical intimacy, in order of increasing degree of intimacy (but not necessarily in order of increasing enjoyment), with each form generally including those preceding it, are: physical closeness, touching (especially tenderly), touching intimate parts (including outercourse), and sexual penetration.


[edit] Intimate proximity

"The Proposal" by William-Adolphe Bouguereau
"The Proposal" by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

It is possible to be physically intimate with someone without actually touching him or her; however, a certain proximity is necessary. For instance, proximity and sustained eye contact is a form of physical intimacy. When there is nudity, but still no contact, the degree of physical intimacy is heightened. For instance, there is a game in which a couple may try to see how close they can get to each other without actually touching. Another game involves running hands along the contours of a person's body without touching him or her. These techniques often heighten sexual arousal. When a person enters someone else's personal space for the purpose of being intimate, it is physical intimacy, regardless of the lack of actual physical contact.

The objective of physical closeness can be a mix in various proportions of desired intimacy and practical aspects, such as lack of space, softness, stability (e.g. in a moving vehicle), and keeping warm; e.g. somebody sits on somebody else's lap, or sleeps leaning on somebody else. Physical closeness may also be involuntary, as in a crowded train or elevator. In such cases eye contact tends to be avoided. See also frotteurism, groping. Another form of this kind of closeness is when one goes to a crowded place for entertainment: a bar, disco, pop concert, street festival, etc.

[edit] Affectionate touching

Friendship and physical contact in Jewish culture: the Sixth and Seventh Lubavitch Rebbes.
Friendship and physical contact in Jewish culture: the Sixth and Seventh Lubavitch Rebbes.

Virtually any kind of physical touch can be seen as affectionate under the right circumstances, but common examples include:

A personal relationship that does not involve sexual behavior, e.g. friendship, may involve affectionate touching. Friends may avoid physical intimacy to avoid associations with sexuality or emotional intimacy, in order not to appear to be in a sexual relationship. The definition of "sexual" physical intimacy varies greatly.

The connotations of different kinds of physical intimacy are largely culturally influenced. In western culture hugging is more common among women than men. In other cultures, such as Arab culture, men may hold hands with no implication of sexuality. Many East Asian cultures typically encourage relatively little body contact between friends, acquaintances, and members of the same sex. Even among family members and spouses, traditionally, there are fewer public displays of affection.

Whether a person is wearing clothing or is nude also plays a role. In particular, touching with clothing tends to be more intimate if the layer of clothing at the area of contact is thin and flexible. The layers may be reduced or eliminated even without undressing by touching under someone's clothes.

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A cuddle party is a party where strangers cuddle, touch, caress, and massage, subject to rules such as no nudity, no hands under clothes, no French kisses and no dry humping or other sex.

Also a person, especially a child, may caress and hug a doll or stuffed animal.

In the Roman Catholic rite of the Holy Mass, immediately after the Doxology, the congregation will partake in the Pax or Rite of Peace. In most Western churches, this involves a handshake and the words "Peace be with you." If the other party is someone known to you, a hug may be substituted. Spouses tend to hug and/or kiss each other first before using the traditional handshake and "Peace be with you" for the other surrounding members of the congregation.

National Hugging Day was founded on January 21, 1986. December 4 is considered International Hug Day.

[edit] Other forms of intimacy

Other kinds of intimacy include:

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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