Physical abuse

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Articles related to Abuse

By means

Abstract concepts
Violence / Coercion
Abuse of power / Persecution

Physical abuse
Child abuse
Domestic violence

Psychological abuse
Humiliation / Intimidation
Mobbing / Bullying
Hate speech / Manipulation
Stalking / Cyberstalking
Relational aggression
Parental alienation
Psychological torture
Mind control / Shunning
Coercive persuasion
Harassment / Hate mail

Sexual abuse
Incest / Child sexual abuse
Rape / Sexual harassment

By victim

Child abuse / Dating violence
Domestic violence / Elder abuse
Workplace bullying / Prisoner abuse
Animal abuse

By offender

Police brutality
Human experimentation


Severe corporal punishment
Adult Protective Services

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Physical abuse is abuse involving contact intended to cause pain, injury, or other physical suffering or harm.

Basic forms include:

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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