Phor Tay High School

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Phor Tay' High School (PTHS), is one of the leading girls' schools in Malaysia. It also is a first Buddhist school in Malaysia.

[edit] School History

  • 1935

方 莲 尼 法 师 自 厦 门 南 来, 为 宣 扬 佛 教, 创 立 了 菩 提 学 院。 The existence of Phor Tay High School that is known today originated from the effort of a Buddhist nun called Ven. Fung Lian. She came from the province of Xie Men in China to propogate Buddhism in Penang. Together with her followers, they set up the Phor Tay Institution to propagate Dahrma and train local Dharma preachers.

  • 1940

慈 航 法 师 等 为 推 动 教 育, 创 办 义 学。 学 生 完 全 免 费, 人 数 达 百 余 人。 次 年 因 第 二 此 世 界 大 战 二 停 办。 After the demise of Ven. Fang Lian in 1939, her followers continued her mission and also initiated secular education through free school. However, the school was forced to close down in the following year due to the Second World War.

  • 1945

战 后, 以 车 水 路 仰 光 园 为 校 舍, 正 式 注 册 为 菩 提 小 学, 校 长 陈 少 英。 The school was opened after the war and preparation was made to set up Phor Tay Primary School.

  • 1947

胡 文 虎 先 生 独 资 兴 建 全 座 菩 提 学 院 院 舍, 包 括 佛 殿、 修 士 静 室 及 小 学 学 校。 Mr. Aw Boon Haw donated the money for the construction of Phor Tay Institution that includes a shrine, a meditatian centre and Phor Tay Primary School.

  • 1949

菩 提 小 学 迁 入 新 校 舍 上 课。 Phor Tay Primary School moved into its present building.

  • 1950

胡 文 虎 先 生 于 4 月 20 日 主 持 菩 提 小 学 校 舍 开 幕 礼。 The primary school building was officiated by Mr. Aw Boon Haw (a philanthropist) on 20th April.

  • 1951

槟 城 平 社 率 筹 增 办 菩 提 中 学 建 设 费。 An opera association in Penang (Peng Hsia) initiated the collection of donations for the construction of Phor Tay High School.

  • 1952

菩 提 中 学 申 请 注 册。 胡 文 虎 先 生 独 捐 建 六 间 教 室。 Application was made to register the Phor Tay High School. Mr. Aw Boon Haw donated money to build six classrooms.

  • 1953

筹 建 中 学 。 The board of governors of Phor Tay Institution decided to build a secondary school and so started a donation drive.

  • 1954

政 府 批 准 中 学 注 册。 共 开 5 班, 学 生 200 位, 教 师 8 位。 首 任 校 长 为 王 弄 书 。 The government approved the registration of a high school. Phor Tay High School officially began operating. There were 5 classes, 200 pupils and 8 teachers. The first headmistress was Ong Dong Shu.

  • 1957

建 筑 中 学 新 校 舍 委 员 会 于 五 月 成 立。 胡 文 虎 夫 人 陈 金 枝 女 士 为 完 成 其 先 夫 兴 学 之 遗 志, 慨 捐 七 万 元 建 造 礼 堂, 董 事 会 同 人 受 此 鼓 励 遂 积 极 推 动 募 捐, 于 是 各 董 事、 佛 教 团 体。 各 界 热 心 教 育 人 士, 献 捐 遂 风 起 云 涌。 星 马 平 社 联 合 义 演, 中 小 学 师 生 乘 佛 诞 举 行 娱 乐 市 筹 款, 遂 于 两 年 间 筹 得 五 十 万 元。 In May, the school building committee was formed. Mrs. Aw Boon Haw donated $70,000.00 to build a hall in commemoration of her late husband's contribution towards the school. Her kind act was proved to be an impetus to all members of the School Board of Directors, the Buddhist community leaders, the Buddhist Association of Malaya, Singapore and Hong Kong and others to work hard to hold performances to raise funds and collect donations. Their collective efforts raised funds amounting to $500,000.00.

  • 1958

傅 晴 曦 居 士 继 任 校 长。 Reverend Poh Ching Xi was appointed as the second headmistress of Phor Tay Secondary School.

  • 1960

菩 提 中 学 新 校 舍 建 竣, 计 有 教 室 20 间、 科 学 室 2 间、 礼 堂。 食 堂 及 图 书 馆。 Phor Tay High School's new building consisting 20 classrooms, 2 science labs, a hall, a canteen and a library was completed and ready for use.

  • 1961

3 月 1 日, 陈 金 枝 女 士 主 持 中 学 校 舍 揭 幕 礼。 On the 1st of March, Mrs. Aw Boon Haw officiated the opening ceremony of Phor Tay High School

  • 1962

菩 提 中 学 接 受 政 府 津 贴, 成 为 国 民 型 中 学。 Phor Tay High School became Phor Tay National Type Secondary School. This classified it as a conforming school and therefore eligible to receive grants from the government.

  • 1977

林 银 海 先 生 接 任 校 长。 Mr. Lim Gin Hai was appointed as the third headmaster of Phor Tay Secondary School.

  • 1995

杨 裕 发 先 生 接 任 校 长。 Mr. Lim Gin Hai was appointed as the fourth headmaster of Phor Tay Secondary School.

  • 2004 莫 钧 发 先 生 接 任 校 长。

The present principal, Mr Mok Kam Fatt was appointed on 2004.

Phor Tay High School's new building consisting 20 classrooms, 2 science labs, a hall, a canteen and a library was completed and made use of this year.

1954: The government approved the registration of a high school. A sum of $20,000.00 was collected to buy equipment for the school. Phor Tay High School officially began operating this year. There were 5 classes, 200 pupils and 8 teachers. The first headmistress was Miss Ong Dong Shu.

1961: On the 1st. of March, 1961, Mrs. Aw Boon Haw officiated the opening ceremony of Phor Tay High School.

[edit] School Motto(校训)

仁 " REN" 仁 慈 爱 物, 悲 天 悯 人。 Humanity At Phor Tay High School, the welfare of our students is the primary consideration in every area of our operations. We practise the concept of a caring school. We aim to inculcate in students the values of love and kindness towards their fellow students and all members of society.

慎 "SHEN" 慎 以 处 事,谨 以 修 己。 Mindfulness We believe in providing an all-round education. We aim to develop students who are academically, spiritually and morally strong.

勤 " QIN" 勤 于 求 学, 勇 于 服 务。 Diligence We want to instil the value of hard work in our students so that they will be able to achieve their goals in life.

毅 " YI" 毅 力 坚 强, 百 折 不 挠。 Perseverance Our students will be mentally strong and be able to face any challenges with full confidence.

[edit] Ex-Students’ Association

The Phor Tay Ex-Students’ Association was founded on 23 February 1971. The association initially operated from rented premises at the Chang Chew Association Building as a base to carry out its activities.

These include organizing:

career guidance seminars,
family planning talks,
cultural dancing and choir practices,
badminton and table tennis games,
tours for members; and
hosting an annual alumni dinner.
The association also helps the Phor Tay primary and secondary schools to train their students in games and traditional dances besides sponsoring cultural competitions.

In 1986, the association was able to set up its scholarship fund. In 1991, with the help of the Honourable Chief Minister of Penang, the Board of Governors and the PTA of Phor Tay High School, the association bought its own building at No. 10E, Jalan Dato Koyah, Penang.