Phezzan Dominion

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The Phezzan Dominion is a City state in Legend of the Galactic Heroes. It was considered as part of the territory of the Galactic Empire during the goldenbaum dynasty, but it was given full autonomy with its own state government. During the great war between the empire and the free planets alliance, it was in a neutral stance in the war and traded with both nations. The leader of the planet, Rubinsky, tipped off both armies on intelliegence, sometimes, it lent money to the alliance when their treasury was short from the long war, in secrecy he wanted his planet to be stronger than both parties by economic means by supplying both nations. During the series, the nation was occupied by the Galactic Empire during the Lorhenghram dynasty for suspicion of supporting the free planets alliance. In time, Kaiser Reinhard Von Lorhenghram declared the planet as its new capital for the Empire.