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Phazon is a fictional life-like radioactive and mutagenic substance from the Metroid Prime video game series.


[edit] Characteristics

Despite lacking a true and thorough scientific approach, various research conducted by the Zebesian Space Pirates and the Galactic Federation has determined that large doses of Phazon are extremely harmful to both organic and inorganic objects. As seen all throughout the Metroid Prime series, exposure to Phazon will bring a subtle and agonizing demise to almost any organism that comes in proximity with the substance. Furthermore this potent power comes from Phazon’s ability to emit ionizing radiation, which is powerful enough to liquefy and dissolve any organic material within seconds.

Although several organisms with inadequate radioactive protection will immediately begin to deteriorate upon exposure to Phazon, Phazon has been rather beneficial to a handful of organisms, such as the Metroids. Once exposed to Phazon, a Metroid's lifecycle will be drastically altered, causing it to become a more vicious and efficient predator, which is best seen in Phazon-borne Fission Metroid strain. In addition to possessing much of the same characteristics of a regular Metroid, a Fission Metroid possess a unique ability which allows it to permanently become invulnerable to various elemental attacks. However, extremely radioactive amounts of Phazon, such as the type released by Samus's phazon beam, possesses the ability to eradicate most types of Metroids.

In addition to Metroids, heinous exploitations with Phazon lead the Space Pirates to develop an experimental method to enhance their soldiers with Phazon. Despite harnessing the undaunted power of phazon, each modified soldier is deprecated by the harrowing effects of Phazon, belittling the soldier with a shortened and fleeting life span. Although never clearly explained, organisms that have benefited from prolonged exposure to Phazon have become extremely dependent on it; both Dark Samus and the Omega Pirates require Phazon to satisfy their morbid hunger, and regenerate damaged portions of tissue.

The origins of Phazon have never been explained. While Chozo lore revealed Phazon initially arrived on Tallon IV from a mysterious meteor, it remains a mystery to where the substance originally came from. As confirmed in Metroid Prime, Phazon can be produced by Metroid Prime. Furthermore, various previews for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption revealed Dark Samus will infest planets with “Phazon Seeds” [1]

[edit] Variations and types

Phazon’s appearance in Metroid Prime resembles a semi-solid lava-like substance.

Dark Samus stands before a background of blue Phazon.
Dark Samus stands before a background of blue Phazon.

Throughout the course of series, Samus encountered two forms of Phazon, a more common radioactive blue and black substance, and another more dangerous crimson red, pantone orange, and black variation. The blue type is more common than the orange, which can only be found in the Impact Crater. While the orange type is very similar to the normal type, it is 86% more mutagenic. Furthermore, not even Samus’ Phazon suit could shield her from the malevolent radiation emitted from orange Phazon.

Phazon has two different variations. The first is a gel-like adhesive substance, which tends to emit electric charges from its crests and troughs to other objects within its proximity. Compared to its other counterpart, the first variation of phazon is much brighter. The second variation appears with more liquid like characteristics, and lacks adhesive features and electronic static charges. Also, liquid or "pure" Phazon is the only type of Phazon that can power Samus' Phazon Beam, and can only be generated by Metroid Prime during the final battle. Although there is no true explanation why there are two variations, there is no known difference between the radioactive output between them.

[edit] Phazon madness

One symptom of prolonged Phazon exposure appears to be mental degradation, causing the affected creature to become increasingly violent. In intelligent lifeforms, this begins by way of mental illness. The phrase "Phazon Madness" was coined by the Space Pirates, who observed its most common symptoms to be loss of equilibrium, erratic behaviour, and hallucinations. The Pirates also observed "Phazon Fever," under the influence of which one Phazon mining crewman held his comrades at gunpoint and "claimed the Phazon as his own." In more severe cases, the victim will become psychotic and violent. This symptom caused a handful of Chozo from Tallon IV to leave their peaceful and meditative state, and enter a vicious phase. Based on observations by Samus and the Space Pirates, the "Chozo Ghosts" will relentlessly attack anyone who trespasses on sacred Chozo sites.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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Metroid video games
Metroid • Metroid II • Super Metroid • Fusion • Zero Mission
Metroid Prime • Hunters • Echoes • Pinball • Corruption