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For the noisegrind band, see Sore Throat
Acute pharyngitis
Classifications and external resources
Viral pharyngitis.
The oropharynx is swollen and red.
ICD-10 J02.
ICD-9 462
MedlinePlus 000655
eMedicine emerg/419 
Chronic pharyngitis
Classifications and external resources
ICD-10 J31.2
ICD-9 472.1

Pharyngitis is a painful inflammation of the pharynx, and is colloquially referred to as a sore throat. Infection of the tonsils, tonsillitis (American English: tonsilitis) may occur simultaneously.

The major cause is infection, of which 90% are viral, the remainder caused by bacterial infection and rarely oral thrush (fungal candidiasis e.g. in babies). Some cases of pharyngitis are caused by irritation from agents such as pollutants or chemicals


[edit] Types

[edit] Viral sore throats

These comprise about 90% of all infectious cases and can be a feature of many different types of viral infections.

[edit] Bacterial sore throats

[edit] Group A Streptococcal

The most common bacterial agent is streptococcus. Unlike adenovirus, there tends to be greater generalised symptoms and more signs to find. Typically enlarged and tender lymph glands, with bright red inflammed and swollen throat, the patient may have a high temperature, headache, and aching muscles (myalgia) and joints (arthralgia).

Some immune-system meditated complications may occur:

  • Scarlet fever with its vivid rash, although the milder disease seen after the 1950's suggests that the bacteria may have mutated to less virulent illness and some doctors now call this scarlatina (literally a 'little scarlet fever')
  • Historically the most important complication was of the generalised inflammatory disorder of rheumatic fever which could later result in Rheumatic heart disease affecting the valves of the heart. Antibiotics may reduce the incidence of this complication to under a third.[1]However the incidence of rheumatic fever in developed-regions of the world remains low even though the use of antibiotics has been declining.[2][3]This may be a result of a change in the prevalence of various strains of bacteria. In underdeveloped regions, untreated streptococcal infection can still give rise to rheumatic heart disease and may be due to environmental factors, or reflect a genetic predisposition of the patient to the disease.
  • Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis is an inflammation of the kidney. It is disputed whether antibiotics might reduce[4] the small risk of this or not.[1]
  • Very rarely there may occur a secondary infection behind the tonsils which may cause a life-threatening septicaemia (Lemierre's syndrome)

[edit] Diphtheria

Diphtheria is a potentially life threatening upper respiratory infection caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae which has been largely eradicated in developed nations since the introduction of childhood vaccination programs, but is still reported in the Third World and increasingly in some areas in Eastern Europe. Antibiotics are effective in the early stages, but recovery is generally slow.

[edit] Treatment

The treatment of pharyngitis will vary according to the cause.

  • Iodine compounds sold as Betadine or TCP can be gargled to shorten the duration of the infection.[citation needed] These compounds are effective anti-viral agents.
  • Antibiotics are only helpful when a bacterial infection is the cause of the sore throat. For viral sore throats, antibiotics have been shown to only affect the degree of pain by day 4 and shorten the average natural duration by 16 hours overall (14 people need be treated for a week to reduce the duration by one day).[1]
  • According to Traditional Chinese medicine, pricking the acupuncture points Shangyang L.I.-1 and Shaoshang Lu-11 and squeezing out a few drops of blood resolves most cases of acute pharyngitis, tonsillitis or strep throat within 1-3 days. Most patients feel significant pain relief within minutes of this procedure. [5]

[edit] Symptomatic

  • Throat lozenges (cough medicine) are often used for short-term pain relief.
  • Gargling with warm salty water is a popular household remedy, although there is only anecdotal evidence this gives anything other than temporary relief and likewise for the use of aspirin gargles.
  • Warm tea (true or herbal) or soup can help temporarily alleviate the pain of a sore throat.
  • Analgesics such as NSAIDs can help reduce the pain associated with a sore throat.
  • Cold beverages and popsicles numb the nerves of the throat somewhat, alleviating the pain for a brief time.
  • Mouthwash (when gargled) reduces the pain but only for a brief time.
  • There have been some studies that show ingesting a solution high in protein can have a profound relieving effect on sore throats, particularly if they are allergy related.[citation needed]
  • Drinking heavy amounts of liquid reduces the pain for a short time.
  • Even a pepper mint candy might help with some cases.[citation needed]
  • Raw juice of papaya leaves also helps to recover sore throat.[citation needed]

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c Del Mar CB, Glasziou PP, Spinks AB. (2004). "Antibiotics for sore throat". The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Issue 2): Art. No.: CD000023.pub2. DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD000023.pub2. - Meta-analysis of published research
  2. ^ (September 28 2004) "Antibiotics for sore throat to prevent rheumatic fever: Yes or No? How the Cochrane Library can help". CMAJ 171 (7). DOI:10.1503/cmaj.1041275. - Canadian Medical Association Journal commentary on Cochrane analysis
  3. ^ (2002) "Treatment of sore throat in light of the Cochrane verdict: is the jury still out?". MJA 177 (9): 512-515. - Medical Journal of Australia commentary on Cochrane analysis
  4. ^ Zoch-Zwierz W, Wasilewska A, Biernacka A, Tomaszewska B, Winiecka W, Wierciński R, Porowski T (2001). "[The course of post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis depending on methods of treatment for the preceding respiratory tract infection]". Wiad Lek 54 (1-2): 56-63. PMID 11344703.
  5. ^ Zhang Hong (Feb 2002). "Treatment of Acute Sore throat with bloodletting therapy". Journal of Chinese Medicine 68.