Phantoms of Fear

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The Fighting Fantasy series
Location: Affen Forest, Titan
Sections: 400
Publication details
Author(s): Robin Waterfield
Illustrator(s): Ian Miller
Year of release: 1987
Number (Puffin) 28
Number (Wizard) {{{wizard}}}
ISBN: {{{ISBN}}}
List of FF books

Phantoms of Fear is a single player roleplaying book in the popular Fighting Fantasy series. It contains the standard 400 paragraphs, but unusually, paragraph 400 does not mark successful completion. Gameplay involves the ability to cast spells and an extra score, Power, which is reduced by one every time a spell is cast. Power is also used in combat when the player sleeps and enters a 'dream world' at various points in the book.

[edit] Story

The protagonist is an elven prince, skilled in both hand-to-hand combat and magic. He must journey alone through his home world of Affen Forest and defeat the Demon Prince Ishtra, who is threatening his kingdom. There are in fact two ways to successfully complete the quest, which result in different final paragraphs. One is by collecting magic items to defeat Ishtra in the 'real world', the other is by combating Ishtra in the 'dream world'.

[edit] See also