Phage meetings

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Bacteriophage are viruses of bacteria. They are likely the most numerous "organisms" on Earth and contributed greatly to the development of the disciplines of molecular biology and molecular genetics. This page is an attempt to gather up information and links regarding phage-based scientific meetings, past, present, and future. Consider beginning by viewing the meetings time line.


[edit] Instructions

Please feel free to advertise future phage meetings here, to provide clues to past phage meetings, and to otherwise celebrate (e.g., providing recollections) of phage meetings that you have attended. As an arbitrary number, please consider a meeting to be phage-based if at least 33% of the meeting is devoted exclusively to phage science. Please, however, include, and indicate as such, any phage-based symposia.

A now-defunct forerunner to these lists can be found at

[edit] Scheduled upcoming phage meetings

[edit] 2007 Phage/Viral Assembly Conference

May 25-30, hosted by Alan Davidson, held in Barrie, Ontario, Canada.

[edit] 2007 17th Evergreen International Phage Biology Meeting

August 12-17. See Evergreen meetings for background information.

[edit] 2007 Symposium, Ecology of Viruses

September 3-4, organized by Environmental Microbiology Group/Virus Ecology Group/Society for General Microbiology, held at University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.

[edit] Meetings timeline

Meetings are listed in order per year, but with years descending. Links are to descriptions found under either "scheduled upcoming phage meetings" or below this section as either ongoing phage meetings (i.e., Evergreen meetings, Phage Assembly conferences, Cold Spring Harbor meetings) or as one-time meetings or symposia.

  1. 2007 Phage/Viral Assembly meeting
  2. 2007 Evergreen meeting
  3. 2007 Virus-ecology sympostium
  4. 2006 Texas meeting
  5. 2006 Cold Spring Harbor meeting
  6. 2005 Evergreen meeting
  7. 2005 Tbilisi seminar
  8. 2004 Phage summit (Florida)
  9. 2003 Evergreen meeting
  10. 2001 Evergreen meeting
  11. 2000 Millennial meeting (Montreal)
  12. 2000 Le Treilles meeting
  13. 1999 Evergreen meeting

Please add to the above list as appropriate. Please do not let a need or desire to create links to within this document (or elsewhere) stop you from providing a (n accurate) listing of past, present, or future meetings. Somebody, somewhere will fill in the details if you don't have them. Alternatively, please send details to Steve Abedon care of

[edit] Regular meetings

A number of phage meetings meet regularly. Much information is missing from the following listings and it is hoped that people who organize or attend these meetings will help to supply this information.

[edit] Evergreen meetings

All Evergreen meetings are as organized by Elizabeth Kutter and held on the Evergreen State College campus, Olympia, Washington. They have gone by at least two names: Evergreen International Phage Biology Meeting (2005 downto ???) and Bacteriophage T4 (International?) Meeting (??? downto ???).

[edit] Evergreen, 2005

August 7-12.

[edit] Evergreen, 2003

July 23-27.

[edit] Evergreen, 2001

  • photo (scroll down a little)

[edit] Evergreen, 1999 and earlier

  • 1999, 1997?, 1995?, 1993?, 1991, 1989, 1987, 1985, 1983?, earlier?

[edit] Biennial Phage/Viral Assembly Conferences

[edit] Cold Spring Harbor Bacteria and Phage Meeting

Many of the years of these meetings are not listed here (and need to be), plus a history of these meeetings needs to be presented as well as comments on the current status of these meetings with regard to the degree to which they consider phage.

[edit] Cold Spring Harbor, 2006

August 22-27.

[edit] Cold Spring Harbor, 2002

August 20-25

[edit] One-time meetings or symposia

[edit] 2006, Texas, Evergreen Phage and Virus Genomics and Ecology Meeting

May 12-15, organized by Philip Serwer, Stephen C. Haries, and Elizabeth Kutter, held at Texas A&M University-Kingsville Campus, Kingsville, Texas.

[edit] 2005, International Phage Seminar

November 10-11, organized by J.S.C. “Biochimpharm” and Eliava Scientific-Research Institute of Bacteriophages, Microbiology and Virology, held in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia.

[edit] 2004, Phage Summit

August 1-5, organized by Ry Young, held in Key Biscayne, Florida.

  • Adhya, S., L. Black, D. Friedman, G. Hatfull, K. Kreuzer, C. Merril, A. Oppenheim, F. Rohwer, and R. Young. 2005. 2004 ASM Conference on the New Phage Biology: the 'Phage Summit'. Mol. Microbiol. 55:1300 full text
  • Abedon, S. T., and P. Hyman. 2005. Road Trip to Key Biscayne. BEG News 23. full text
  • Abeodn, S. T. 2004. ASM Conference on the New Phage Biology. BEG News 19. full text

[edit] 2002, International Union of Microbiology Societies/International Congress of Virology

July 27-August 1, held in Paris

  • there were symposia devoted to phage:
  1. The phage genome (conveners H. Krisch, R. Hendrix)
  2. Phage lysis and lysogeny (J. Maniloff, T. Alatossava)
  3. Applied and environmental phage biology (H-W. Ackermann, E. Kutter)

[edit] 2000, Algal Virus Workshop

May 28-June 1, held in Galeway, Ireland.

  • comment: a previous such meeting had been held in 1998.

[edit] 2000, Bacteriophages in Biotechnology

July 13, held in London.

  • comment: "There is an increasing awareness of the significance of bacteriophages to modern biotechnology, and a revival of interest in bacteriophages for therapy and the control of microbial infection. This meeting will examine current applications of bacteriophage and look forward to future potential applications."

[edit] 2000, Millennial Phage Meeting

June 7-11, organized by Michael Dubow, held at McGill University, Montreal.

  • comment: Great location, great talks, lousy food (except for those wise enough to eat off campus).
  • photo

[edit] 2000, Le Treilles meeting on Viruses: Origins, Evolution, and Biodiversity

July 24-30, sponsored by the Fondation des Treilles, held in Tourtour, France

  • comment: By invitation only
  • proceedings:
    • Forterre, P. 2003. The great virus comeback—from an evolutionary perspective. Res. Microbiol. 154:223-225.
    • Krisch, H. M. 2003. The view from Les Treilles on the origins, evolution and diversity of viruses. Res. Microbiol. 154:227-229.
    • Bamford, D. H. 2003. Do viruses form lineages across different domains of life? Res. Microbiol. 154:231-236. abstract & pay article
    • Filée, J., P. Forterre, and J. Laurent. 2003. The role played by viruses in the evolution of their hosts: a view based on informational protein phylogenies. Res. Microbiol. 154:237-243. abstract & pay article
    • Ackermann, H.-W. 2003. Bacteriophage observations and evolution. Res. Microbiol. 154:245-251. abstract & pay article
    • Hendrix, R. W., G. F. Hatfull, and M. C. M. Smith. 2003. Bacteriophages with tails: chasing their origins and evolution. Res. Microbiol. 154:253-257. abstract & pay article
    • Desplats, C., and H. M. Krisch. 2003. The diversity and evolution of the T4-type bacteriophages. Res. Microbiol. 154:259-267. abstract & pay article
    • Krylov, V., E. Pleteneva, M. Bourkaltseva, O. Shaburova, G. Volckaert, N. Sykilinda, L. Kurochkina, and V. Mesyanzhinov. 2003. Myoviridae bacteriophages of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: a long and complex evolutionary pathway. Res. Microbiol. 154:269-275. abstract & pay article
    • Campbell, A. 2003. Prophage insertion sites. Res. Microbiol. 154:277-282. abstract & pay article
    • Letellier, L., P. Boulanger, M. de Frutos, and P. Jacquot. 2003. Channeling phage DNA through membranes: from in vivo to in vitro. Res. Microbiol. 154:283-287. abstract & pay article
    • Prangishvili, D. 2003. Evolutionary insights from studies on viruses from hot habitats. Res. Microbiol. 154:289-294. [ abstract & pay article]
    • Stedman, K. M., Q. She, H. Phan, H. P. Arnold, I. Hoz, R. A. Garrett, and W. Zillig. 2003. Relationships between fuselloviruses infecting the extremely thermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus: SSV1 and SSV2. Res. Microbiol. 154:295-302. abstract & pay article
    • Geslin, C., M. Le Romancer, M. Gaillard, G. Erauso, and D. Prieur. 2003. Observation of virus-like particles in high temperature enrichment cultures from deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Res. Microbiol. 154:303-307. abstract & pay article
    • Dyall-Smith, M., S.-L. Tang, and C. Bath. 2003. Haloarchaeal viruses: how diverse are they? Res. Microbiol. 154:309-313. abstract & pay article

[edit] 1998, International Symposium on Microbial Ecology

August, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

  • comment: There was a symposia planned as part of this meeting on "Viruses as Regulators of Microbial Systems".
  • ISME home page

[edit] Additional links