User:Pfafrich/Blahtex all commands
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User:Pfafrich/Blahtex en.wikipedia fixup All the latex commands used in en.wikipedia. See [[1]] for Blahtex copy. See also Latex Symbol chart
Contents |
[edit] Special escapes
- 16486 \, -
- 3968 \! -
- 3205 \{ - a{b
- 3018 \} - a}b
- 2866 \; -
- 1608 \| -
- 47 \# -
- 17 \% -
- 14 \$ -
- 3 \/ - Failed to parse (unknown error): {a}\/{b}
- 3 \& - Failed to parse (unknown error): {a}\&{b}
- Wow I'm surprised that \& doesn't work. It really should. Dmharvey 19:30, 11 February 2006 (UTC)
- 2 \) - Failed to parse (unknown error): {a}\){b}
- 2 \( - Failed to parse (unknown error): {a}\({b}
- 1 \^ - Failed to parse (unknown error): {a}\^{b}
- 1 \+ - Failed to parse (unknown error): {a}\+{b}
- 1 \* - Failed to parse (unknown error): {a}\*{b}
[edit] Requires 1 or more arguments - annotation
- \acute - - {x}\acute{y}{z}
- \bar -
- \breve -
- \check -
- \ddot -
- \dot -
- \grave -
- \hat -
- \hbar -
- \overbrace -
- \overleftarrow -
- \overline -
- \overrightarrow -
- \sqrt -
- \tilde -
- \underbrace -
- \underline -
- \vec -
- \widehat - - {x}\widehat{yz}{w}
[edit] Requires 1 or more arguments - font
- \bold -
- \boldsymbol -
- \emph -
- \hbox - xy zw - {x}\hbox{y z}{w}
- \it - xyzw
- \mathbf -
- \mathfrak -
- \mathit - xyzw
- \mathop -
- \mathrm - xyzw
- \mathsf -
- \mbox - xy zw - {x}\mbox{y z}{w}
- \textbf -
- \textit - xyzw
- \textrm - xyzw
- \textstyle - - {x}{\textstyle{y}}{z}
- \texttt -
[edit] Two arguments
- \cfrac -
- \frac - - two args
[edit] Require special format
- \atop - - {{x}\atop{y}}
- \choose - - {{x}\choose{y}}
- \over - - {{x}\over{y}}
- \limits - - \int\limits_{0}^\infty
- Correct syntax is something like ; but is broken for things like . Dmharvey 19:27, 11 February 2006 (UTC)
[edit] odd texvc bugs
- \binom - - only seems to work inside of a matrix
- \binom - - only seems to work inside of a matrix
- The reason \binom is broken is that texvc forgets to load the amsmath package for \binom. So "\binom{a}{b}" is broken, but e.g. is okay, because it forces texvc to load amsmath for other reasons; similarly with pmatrix above. Blahtex gets this right I think. Dmharvey 19:22, 11 February 2006 (UTC)
- \limits - - \int\limits_{0}^\infty
- Correct syntax is something like ; but is broken for things like . Dmharvey 19:27, 11 February 2006 (UTC)
- \arccos - arccosxyz
- But what's with arccos2x... :-) Dmharvey 19:23, 11 February 2006 (UTC)
- \int -
- Here's nice bug: . Convince yourself it's not in the cache: . Just fixed this one in blahtex today :-) Dmharvey 19:25, 11 February 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Require deliminiters to follow
- \big - - \big({x\over y}\big)
- \Big -
- \bigg -
- \Bigg -
- \left,\right - - \left({x\over y}\right)
[edit] Require specific arguments
- \begin\end - - \begin{pmatrix}{x}&{y}\\{z}&{w}\end{pmatrix}
[edit] A-Z
[edit] Works in BlahTex
- \Alpha - Αxyz
- \Beta - Βxyz
- \Box -
- \Chi - Χxyz
- \Complex -
- \Dagger -
- \Delta - Δxyz
- \Diamond -
- \Downarrow -
- \Epsilon - Εxyz
- \Eta - Ηxyz
- \Finv -
- \Gamma - Γxyz
- \Harr -
- \Im -
- \Iota - Ιxyz
- \Kappa - Κxyz
- \Lambda - Λxyz
- \Leftarrow -
- \Leftrightarrow -
- \Longleftarrow -
- \Longleftrightarrow -
- \Longrightarrow -
- \Mu - Μxyz
- \N -
- \Nu - Νxyz
- \Omega - Ωxyz
- \P -
- \Phi - Φxyz
- \Pi - Πxyz
- \Pr -
- \Psi - Ψxyz
- \R -
- \Rarr -
- \Re -
- \Rho - Ρxyz
- \Rightarrow -
- \S -
- \Sigma - Σxyz
- \Tau - Τxyz
- \Theta - Θxyz
- \Uparrow -
- \Updownarrow -
- \Upsilon - Υxyz
- \Vdash -
- \Vert -
- \Xi - Ξxyz
- \Z -
- \Zeta - Ζxyz
[edit] Broken in BlahTex
- \AA -
- \Bbb -
- \Game - - missing symbol
- \O -
[edit] a-z
- \aleph -
- \alpha -
- \and -
- \ang -
- \angle -
- \approx -
- \arccos -
- \arccot -
- \arccsc -
- \arcsec -
- \arcsin -
- \arctan -
- \arg -
- \backslash -
- \beta -
- \beth -
- \bigcap -
- \bigcup -
- \bigvee -
- \bigwedge -
- \bmod -
- \bot -
- \bull -
- \bullet -
- \cap -
- \cdot -
- \cdots -
- \chi -
- \circ -
- \clubsuit -
- \colon -
- \complement -
- \cong -
- \coprod -
- \cos -
- \cosh -
- \cot -
- \coth -
- \csc -
- \cup -
- \dagger -
- \daleth -
- \ddagger -
- \ddots -
- \deg -
- \delta -
- \det -
- \diamondsuit -
- \digamma -
- \dim -
- \div -
- \dots -
- \dotsb -
- \downarrow -
- \downharpoonleft -
- \downharpoonright -
- \ell -
- \empty -
- \emptyset -
- \epsilon -
- \equiv -
- \eta -
- \eth -
- \exist -
- \exists -
- \exp -
- \flat -
- \forall -
- \frown -
- \gamma -
- \gcd -
- \ge -
- \geq -
- \gets -
- \gg -
- \gimel -
- \harr -
- \heartsuit -
- \hom -
- \hookleftarrow -
- \hookrightarrow -
- \iff -
- \iiint -
- \iint -
- \imath -
- \implies -
- \in -
- \inf -
- \infin -
- \infty -
- \int -
- \iota -
- \isin -
- \kappa -
- \ker -
- \lVert -
- \lambda -
- \land -
- \lang -
- \langle -
- \lbrace -
- \lbrack -
- \lceil -
- \ldots -
- \le -
- \leftarrow -
- \leftharpoondown -
- \leftharpoonup -
- \leftrightarrow -
- \leq -
- \lesssim -
- \lfloor -
- \lg -
- \lim -
- \liminf -
- \limsup -
- \ll -
- \ln -
- \lnot -
- \log -
- \longleftarrow -
- \longmapsto -
- \longrightarrow -
- \lor -
- \mapsto -
- \max -
- \mho -
- \mid -
- \min -
- \mod -
- \models -
- \mp -
- \mu -
- \nabla -
- \natural -
- \ne -
- \nearrow -
- \neg -
- \neq -
- \ni -
- \nleq -
- \nless -
- \nmid -
- \notin -
- \nu -
- \nwarrow -
- \oint -
- \omega -
- \operatorname -
- \oplus -
- \or -
- \otimes -
- \part -
- \partial -
- \perp -
- \phi -
- \pi -
- \plusmn -
- \pm -
- \prod -
- \propto -
- \psi -
- \qquad -
- \quad -
- \rVert -
- \rang -
- \rangle -
- \rarr -
- \rbrace -
- \rbrack -
- \rceil -
- \real -
- \reals -
- \rfloor -
- \rho -
- \rightarrow -
- \rightharpoondown -
- \rightharpoonup -
- \rm -
- \sdot -
- \searrow -
- \sec -
- \setminus -
- \sgn -
- \sharp -
- \sigma -
- \sim -
- \simeq -
- \sin -
- \sinh -
- \smallsetminus -
- \smile -
- \spadesuit -
- \sqcap -
- \sqcup -
- \sqsubset -
- \sqsubseteq -
- \sqsupset -
- \sqsupseteq -
- \square -
- \star -
- \sub -
- \sube -
- \subset -
- \subseteq -
- \subsetneq -
- \sum -
- \sup -
- \supset -
- \supseteq -
- \supsetneq -
- \swarrow -
- \tan -
- \tanh -
- \tau -
- \theta -
- \times -
- \to -
- \top -
- \triangle -
- \triangleleft -
- \triangleright -
- \uparrow -
- \updownarrow -
- \upharpoonleft -
- \upharpoonright -
- \upsilon -
- \vDash -
- \varepsilon -
- \varinjlim -
- \varkappa -
- \varlimsup -
- \varnothing -
- \varphi -
- \varpi -
- \varprojlim -
- \varrho -
- \varsigma -
- \vartheta -
- \vdash -
- \vdots -
- \vee -
- \vert -
- \wedge -
- \wp -
- \wr -
- \xi -
- \zeta -
[edit] Brokex in BlahTex - renders incorectly
- \bigodot -
- \bigoplus -
- \bigotimes -
- \bigsqcup -
- \biguplus -
- \iiiint -
- \mod -
- \pmod -
- \prime -
[edit] Brokex in Blahtex - errors
- \mathbb -
- \mathcal - -
- \not -
- \not -
- \textvisiblespace -
[edit] Very rare broken in texvc
Only appear in test pages or requests for symbols, all broken in texvc
- \Chsi
- \Csi
- \Ha
- \Khsi
- \Ksi
- \LaTeX
- \Ob
- \Program
- \TeX
- \Un
- \atl
- \bf
- \bin
- \boxplus
- \bra
- \gr
- \ket
- \dag
- \d
- \displayed
- \displaylimits
- \dotsc
- \dotsm
- \foo
- \gs
- \gswin
- \input
- \label
- \lib
- \llbracket
- \odot
- \renewcommand
- \rightleftharpoons
- \rrbracket
- \rtimes
- \v
- \widetilde
- \x
- \xxxxx