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Petsitting is a job taking care of a pet in their own home during the absence of their owner.

The professional pet sitting industry is growing rapidly because of the advantages pet sitters provide to pets. Pet sitting reduces stress on pets because they get to stay where they feel most comfortable and secure - at home. Because pet sitters go to the client's home, there is no "travel trauma" to the pet. Exposure to illnesses and parasites of other animals is minimized. The pets also stay on their regular feeding and exercise routines. The pets do not need to adapt to a new environment.

Pet owners who hire a pet sitter do not have to worry about taxiing their pet to another location while they are away. Owners can avoid inconveniencing neighbors, friends, or family members. Pet sitters also provide special services for client homes, such as watering plants, putting out trash, and other tasks that give a client's home a "lived in " look.

During vacation services a sitter may visit a client home as frequently as four times a day or as infrequently as once every other day depending on the needs of the resident pets. The length of visit is also determined by both pet owners and pet sitters, but generally pet sitting is 20 to 45 minutes per session. Visits are generally scheduled in agreed upon time slots.

Pet sitters also provide professional dog walking services. These services are helpful for people who spend long hours at work during the day, and for clients who do not have the time to exercise their pets regularly each day.

Most professional pet sitters charge by visit. There may also be an extra charge for multiple pets, long travel times, and some special tasks.

Professional pet sitters should be insured for liability and care of your pet. Many are also insured for theft, or bonded also. They have your house keys and/or security code, so it is important to check their references and insurance status. Many pet sitters will have some training, such as pet first aid certification. There are a number of major online forums, message boards, associations, and training centers that pet sitters frequent in order to learn more about how to grow their businesses and better their services.

Some things to consider while choosing a pet sitter:

Do they carry a pet first aid kit with them? Do they have experience or training in pet first aid? Do they have availability that fits my needs? Are they a member of professional organizations? Are they insured, including care, custody, and control of the pet(s) in their care? Do they have employees, and are employees bonded or insured for theft? Do they have a good reputation with other clients & area pet businesses? What kind of experience and qualifications do they have? Do they have references? Do they have a backup in case of emergencies or personal illness? Are you comfortable with their payment and refund policies? Did they seem comfortable with your pets during the consultation in your home? Did they ask many questions and write down detailed care information during the consultation? Did you sign a contract for service, as well as a release in case the pet needs emergency vet care?

The most common spelling of 'petsitting' is with a space, as in 'pet sitting'. However, petsitting is commonly accepted also.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

  • Directory of professional pet sitters.
  • PUPS Professional United Pet Sitters.
  • NAPPS National association of professional pet sitters.
  • PSI The world's largest organization for professional pet sitters.
  • CSU Cyber Sitters United, Pet Sitters Conference.
  • PetSitterNeeded PetSitterNeeded Directory
  • Setia Dogs Online directory of dog boarding and pet sitters.
  • HSUS - Choosing a Pet Sitter Article on choosing a pet sitter.
  • Open Directory - Pet Sitting List of pet sitting websites.
  • [1] AZ Pet Services, LLC- Professional Pet Sitting Company in Arizona