Petite mutation

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petite (p-) is a mutant first discovered in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The 'petite' yeast has little or no mitochondrial DNA, and forms small anerobic colonies when grown on media. A neutral petite produces all wild type progeny when crossed with wild type.

petite mutations can be induced using a variety of mutagens, including DNA intercalating agents, as well as chemicals that can interfere with DNA synthesis in growing cells.[1] Mutagens that create petites are implicated in increased rates of degenerative diseases and in the aging process.

[edit] References

  • Ferguson, L.R., and von Borstel, R. C. 1992. Induction of the cytoplasmic 'petite' mutation by chemical and physical agents in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mutation Research 265:103-48 PMID 1370239