Peter McMullin

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Peter McMullin is the current Mayor of Geelong as of 2006.

Peter McMullin, also referred to as "McClown", was elected to the Melbourne City Council in 1996 on a platform of opposition to the sighting of the State Museum in the Carlton Gardens adjacent to the Royal Exhibition Building.

Peter McMullin will always be remembered for his refusal to hold the Kennett State Government to account by voting against a motion to subject the Victorian State Museum Development to a proper planning and development review.[1]

Soon after being elected to the position of Deputy Lord Mayor, Peter McMullin betrayed his supporters and along with Lord Mayor, Ivan Deveson, and Melbourne City Council Director, Rob Adams, they abandoned the campaign to have the Museum relocated back in the city center and incorporated into the then proposed Federation Square development project.

Peter McMullin in 1997 was dumped from the position of Lord Mayor as a result of his betrayal.

Peter McMullin was unsuccessful in his nomination to be re-elected to the City Council in March 1999

In 2001 The Melbourne City Council was sacked by the Labor State Government which introduced enacted electoral reforms to the City Council and the direct election of [Lord Mayor]

Peter McMullin, supported by State Premier Steve Bracks, stood as a candidate for election as Lord Mayor, he was defeated by incumbent Lord Mayor, John So

Peter McMullin having failed to win the election as Melbourne;s Lord Mayor moved to Geelong where he managed to get elected to the Geelong City Council and subsequently elected as Geelong's Mayor. He has been caught up in an ongoing scandal of conflict of interest and his involvement with local developers.

Peter McMullin stood as ALP candidate for the Federal seat of Corangamite in 2004 but failed to secure the nessasary 4% swing to obtain sufficient votes to be elected. [2]