Petaybee Series

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The Petaybee Series is a trilogy of young-adult science fiction novels by Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough. It is also known as the "Powers Series".

The Petaybee Series consists of three books: Powers that Be published in 1993, Power Lines (1994) and Power Play (1995).

The series centers on Major Yanaba (Yana) Maddock, a disabled soldier sent to the glacial planet of Petaybee as a spy. Petaybee turns out to be a planet awakening to sentience; Yana's goal becomes protecting the planet from corporate exploitation.

The book Changelings (2005) is the first of a projected trilogy called The Twins of Petaybee which begins where Power Play leaves off. It concerns the twin children of Yana Maddock and Sean Shongili, the selkie geneticist. The next book in the series, 'Maelstrom' is due to be published early 2007.