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In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe of Middle-earth, Pelargir was a great harbour city in southern Gondor. Pelargir was the chief city of the region of Lebennin. It was built on the Siril, some disance upstream from its confluence with the Great River. It was the primary port of Gondor. The name means "garth of royal ships" in Sindarin. Pelargir was one of the oldest cities in Gondor, founded by the Faithful Númenóreans in the year 2350 of the Second Age (before the birth of Gondor). During the Third Age, it was under continual threat from the Southrons and the Corsairs of Umbar. As Minas Tirith was set against Minas Morgul, so too was Pelargir set against Umbar. The two cities were opposed to each other even during the Second Age, with the faithful in Pelargir, and the King's Men in Umbar. During the Kin-strife, the rebel followers of Castamir retreated there after his death, led by his sons. At Pelargir they fought a lengthy siege against the rightful King of Gondor, before fleeing to Umbar. In 1634 T.A, the city was sacked by the Grandsons of Castamir, and King Minardil was slain. During the War of the Ring, Pelargir was besieged by the Black Ships of the Corsairs, but was liberated by Aragorn and the Dead Army. Then, with fresh forces from Lebennin and other southern fiefs, Aragorn was able to bring crucial aid to Minas Tirith, at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. [edit] See also[edit] External links